Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write an A+ Research Paper
Stage 1. Pick A TOPIC Theme or title of the exploration is the spirit of any paper. In the event that you get your preferred opportunity to pick a subject, at that point you should pick such theme which is intriguing to you or additionally you may chat it with your director, bunch colleagues and companions to choose impeccable one. At some point theme is given by chief. STEP . Find INFORMATION Surf the Net. For general or establishment information, take a gander at accommodating site, general information on the web, annals or reference books on the web, for instance, Britannica. Use web search devices and other chase instruments as a starting stage. Check Custom Thesis Writing Services These goals address associations and tend to be progressively reliable, anyway be mindful of possible political inclination in some organization areas. Attempt to look through sites with augmentations, for example .edu (instructive foundation), .gov or .organization (non-benefit association). Stage 3. Express YOUR THESIS Do some essential considering and record your proposition in one sentence. Your proposition clarification looks like an attestation of your conviction. The guideline some portion of your paper will involve disputes to reinforce and shield this conviction. Stage 4. Speculative OUTLINE All centers must relate to a comparable critical subject that you at first said in your capital Roman numeral. The explanation behind an outlineâ is to help you completely consider your subject carefully and organize it lucidly before you start making. An average structure is the most essential step in making a better than average paper. Check your outline to guarantee that the centers made sure about stream authentically starting with one then onto the next. Join into your outline an INTRODUCTION, a BODY, and a CONCLUSION. Make the chief chart contingent. Stage 5. Sort out YOUR NOTES Sort out all the information you have collected by your graph. Generally research your investigation data. Using the best available sources, check for precision and affirm that the information is true, achievement, and right. Negating points of view should in like manner be noted if they help to reinforce your recommendation. This is the most basic stage in forming an investigation paper. Here you will separate, mix, sort, and procedure the information you have collected. Scholarly Writing Services Stage 6. Make YOUR FIRST DRAFT Start with the chief subject in your design. Scrutinized all the critical notes you have aggregated that have been checked, for example with the capital Roman numeral I. Pack, revamp or refer to explicitly for each idea you intend to use in your article. Stage 7. Change YOUR OUTLINE AND DRAFT Scrutinized your paper for any substance goofs. Twofold check the crude numbers. Arrange and modify considerations to take after your structure. Revise your chart if significant, yet constantly save the explanation behind your paper and your per clients at the highest point of the need list. Use a free phonetic use and altering checkers application. Stage 8. Sort FINAL PAPER Each and every proper report or papers should be typewritten and printed, in a perfect world on an OK quality printer. Examined the undertaking sheet again to ensure that you see totally what is foreseen from you, and that your article meets the necessities as showed by your teacher. Skill your article will be surveyed. Alter last paper meticulously to spell, complement, missing or duplicated words. Endeavor to ensure that your last paper is immaculate, spotless, great, and engaging. Atâ composing servicesâ adorn new implications by joining polished methodology with client care that serves to convey the quality work to customer’s content. Here, experience and capacities of essayists help understudies to live their scholarly an existence with no dread and stress.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Best Tools to Help You Write Your Great Essay
Best Tools to Help You Write Your Great EssayMy Life Essay samples are the best tools to help you write your great essay. They are prepared by many people that have a good knowledge about writing.The best way to get good knowledge about writing is to get a copy of the My Life Essay samples. These are available online and can be downloaded. This will save your time as well as your money.You will find these in your email in the form of eBooks or short articles. There are so many of them available. It would be quite easy for you to get confused as to which one to choose. This is why it is recommended that you get a sample that fits your needs.With the help of these My Life Essay samples, you will be able to create your essay as well as edit it. This will not only help you get the quality essay you want, but also you will be able to edit it to make it more readable. It is important to note that, with the use of this tool, you can write an essay on any topic. You do not need to be a write r to get good results from these essay samples.You can get essay samples from the website such as, Slate Plus, Medium, and Truthout. The only difference is that you should use the online resources to get your essay.One of the best things about these My Life Essay samples is that they help you in doing research. As a result, you will be able to come up with a fresh, informative essay that contains good information.When it comes to finding an essay, it is very important to find the one that has great knowledge. The good thing about these essays is that you can get a lot of different types of essays that will help you choose the one that best suits your requirements.You will be able to get great knowledge on how to write a My Life Essay by getting these essays. You can also save a lot of time and money as well as be able to learn about the writing style through these essay samples.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Quantitative Analysis for Football Managers - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1128 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/11 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? This article appeared in Corporate page of The Edge Malaysia, Issue 814, July 12 18, 2010 Quantitative Analysis†¦ for football managers By Jasvin Josen In the heat of the world cup it is worthy to reflect on how football has impacted the financial world and what it could mean for the future. The amount of money generated by the football industry grew exponentially in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and has been steadily growing since. Record-breaking financial deals have been negotiated between football clubs and players they sign. With the fast moving pace of the industry, clubs and players are bound to undergo some sort of financial advancement into the future. Shares in clubs are a reality now. Eventually, players will want to establish themselves as corporations and to issue shares in themselves. Sooner or later, it would make financial sense to hedge clubs or players’ performance with derivatives. Thus there is a real need to quantitatively evaluate a football player, to understand his value adding potential, and to put a price upon that capacity. Existing conditions already show a growing need to measure the value of a football player. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Quantitative Analysis for Football Managers" essay for you Create order Chelsea spent ? 24m for Didier Drogba in 2004. Real Madrid spent ? 80 million on Cristiano Ronaldo in June 2009. We can only guess what the price may be for Lionel Messi if he leaves Barcelona. Yet at times, this spending is claimed to have contributed to financial problems, especially when the players do not sustain their success bringing about their subsequent sale by the club at a loss. Moreover, instability came about in the football industry when the European Union (EU) legislation extended the right of free movement of labour enjoyed by other EU citizens to footballers. Formerly a player was a property of the club but now he is an employee like any other in the EU, working with a contract, and entitled to give due notice to leave that contract. Many see a strong link between this change in legislation and the increase in transfer fees of players. It is becoming more difficult for clubs to continue meeting rising wage demands while having to satisfy owners’ or shareholders’ aspirations and maintaining their performance on the pitch. For both the above situations, an accurate assessment of players would help to ensure that huge financial outlays actually bring value to the club. There is very little financial literature on how to value football players, except for a very interesting paper in the Review of Financial Economics in 2005 titled â€Å"An option pricing framework for valuation of football players†by R. Tunaru, E. Clark and H. Viney. The Opta Index The valuation centres on a performance indices such as the Carling Opta Index (https://www. chairboys. ndirect. co. k/onthenet/opta/opta_index_april2000. htm). This index, calculated specifically for footballers, uses many important statistical records such as: -The number of minutes played -The number of goals scored from action -The number of goals scored from free kicks, including penalties -The number of goals scored with a header -The number of assists -The number of good passes in the opposition half and in his own half -The number of bad passes in the opposition half and in his own half -the number of yellow and red cards received -the number of successful crosses ingenious executions -missed clear chances and so on, the list is by no means exhaustive. The Opta idex was established in 1996 as a quantitative indicator of the form of the player. It is already being used in the betting industry, the media and fantasy games. A player earns a total number of points called the Game Score. The Index score is then simply calculated as the total number of points from the last six Game Scores. It is a moving average type of statistical measure; with any new match, the previous oldest match is removed from the calculation. Valuing the player The intention here is for the reader to get a good idea of the key parameters involved in the valuation model, without getting into the details of the equations and problem solving methods. Aptly, this is a model of 2 halves. The first half (or parameter) is the value (in money) for a single Opta index point for the club that is interested in buying the player (let us call this X). Intuitively X will depend on the club’s turnover and the Opta index generated by all its players. In other words, X is simply the ratio of the club’s turnover to the sum of Opta Index points of its players. One point of note here is that the quality of teamwork amongst the players could very well push this total higher or lower than just the sum of the individual players. For example Germany in the present world cup, with its seamless teamwork, and relative unknown players, would definitely command a higher number of index points than just its quantitative total. Through the years, analysing several clubs, it has been observed that the club’s Opta index points show no specific pattern. In fact the performance over time looks very much like random movements with an upward drift; an example of such possible path is shown in Chart 1. Chart 1 : Example of a random movement path with upward drift The second parameter is the number of Opta Index points for the individual player under evaluation (let us call this N). The movement of the player’s index points over time also exhibits a random movement with an upward drift except that there is an additional consideration for injuries. The injury is empirically observed to make the random process â€Å"jump†downwards, an example of such path is in Chart 2. Chart 2: Example of a random movement path with upward drift and downward jumps Both N and X is modelled with the respective random elements, drifts and jumps accordingly to produce a sort of forecast (or function) of their performances. Now to obtain the value of the football player, we just multiply the player’s index points (N) with the value of a single index point of the club in question (X). Hence, both the functions of N and X will be incorporated into a new function, Y to reflect the value of the footballer. Based on the numerous simulated paths that function Y could take, a kind of an average value for the player is determined. The last step is then just to discount this value to arrive at its present value. Conclusion The quantitative valuation described above is the first step in the direction of independent valuation of football players. While this is just the beginning, and there will definitely be a need to consider other factors as the football market scene progresses, it does look like the game is afoot.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health, Safety and Hygiene - 1412 Words
Sheet 3: Health, safety and hygiene For this assessor visit, you will need to carry out a snack or mealtime routine in your placement. You will need to talk to your placement supervisor about this. Do this at least a week ahead of your assessor visit. Purpose: This visit will focus on your understanding of the Health and Safety and Food Management policies and procedures in your placement. You should be able to give your assessor a tour of the placement pointing out the relevant aspects. You also need to be aware of the Child Protection policy and the procedures relating to recording and reporting of child protection issues. You will need to explain how children’s nutritional needs are met. You will need to carry out a snack or†¦show more content†¦Y/N 4.1. Demonstrate how equipment and each area of the setting are kept clean and hygienic. Y/N 2.3. Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas. Y/N 4.2. Demonstrate and evaluate measures taken in the setting to prevent cross-infection. Y/N CYP 3.4 (Edexcel 4) 2.3. Undertake a health and safety risk assessment in own work setting or service illustrating how its implementation will reduce risk. Y/N 6.2. Explain the regulations concerning management of medicines and how these are interpreted in the work setting. Y/N 2.4. Explain how health and safety risk assessments are monitored and reviewed. Y/N 6.3. Explain how to protect themselves when lifting and handling children and equipment in the work setting. Y/N CYP 3.6 (Edexcel 6) 3.3. Analyse the potential tension between maintaining confidentiality with the need to disclose information: ââ€" where abuse of a child or young person is suspected ââ€" when it is suspected that a crime has been/may be committed. Y/N 5.1 Identify balanced meals, snacks and drinks for children in their early years, following current government guidance on nutritional needs. Y/N SCMP 2 (Edexcel 18) 4.3. Assess any risks or concerns to the health and well being of children and young people and take appropriate action. Y/N 5.2 Recognise why it is important to follow carers’ instructions in respect of their child’s foodShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Hand Hygiene797 Words  | 4 PagesHand hygiene is simply the act of cleansing one’s hands. When done properly, it removes or destroys microorganisms on hands which cause diseases. It is very effective in preventing health care infections. Different ways of achieving hand hygiene include washing with soap and water or applying a waterless antimicrobial hand rub to the hands commonly known as sanitizing. Health care associated infections (HAI’s) are a infections that patients acquire when they are receiving treatment for other conditionsRead MoreHand Hygiene Nursing Safety Goals1519 Words  | 7 Pageseverywhere and have become one of the most helpful tools of our generation, they have their drawbacks. 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Cloud Computing of Oracle Application Express †
Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing of Oracle Application Express. Answer: Introduction Retail industry is a type of industry that heavily relies on the flow of information to support its everyday activities. The retail sector depends on the ability to act on the information that is provided. There is a lot of pressure on the retailers in this era to bring new recommendations every now and then so that people are motivated to opt for them in this fierce competitive world. There are various reasons that make the need of presence of better information drivers across the organisation like globalisation, lower entry barriers, and more pressure on the downward prices. In todays time, the most important thing is to be consistent, coherent in delivering the people what they need and when they need. If the information is processed at the wrong time, than that information is useless for the receiver. Various aspects of better information system in the retail sector have been explained in detail. The organisation that we will analyse in this document is a retail industry that con sists of large number of chains of super markets known as the WalMart(King Carey 2017). Decision Support system helps in analysing the business data and makes it available to the users so that they can take fast business decisions. It is a type of information application that helps large organisation, for processing and collection of information and makes it available as and when needed. In case of retail sectors it can be sued for large number of functions like- Helps in comparison of the overall figures of sales. It helps in making predictions about the revenue figure given the overall sales assumptions It also put forth the affect of resorting to different alternatives that are in the hands of the management. Decision support system can use artificial intelligence for portraying the data or can make use of graphs and other tools. It helps the users to process large chunks of data at a very fast rate that helps in taking fast decisions and supports the overall functioning of the organisation. It provides comprehensive information that is mostly used by the upper management(Ahmed 2016). The major advantage that is associated with the use of DSS is to generate various reports that area as per the specification of the user, it provides the best results to the customers on which they can base their overall decisions. It is no longer limited to large mainframes , but the system can now easily be installed in small laptops and systems and can be used to process smallest of data. It can be easily loaded on mobile phones and hence provide flexibility to the customers as they can process the data and where they want(Gunasekaran, Subramanian Papadopoulos 2017). In case of retail industry also, the decision support system can be very helpful and can help the customers in making the best decisions out of the various options that are available to them. This is the major advantage of the decision support system because the data is very easily processed and hence it helps the management also to reduce the time lag between the need and the implementation of the information that is required by the companies and the customers at large(Sweeting 2017). One of the major problems that the DSS technique has helped in solving is taking decisions about the quantity of products that must be sent to the outlets everyday for sale. It helps in reducing large amount of travelling cost, and also prevents wastage. Based on the past sale, the DSS system helps in generating an assumption for pr day sales and the outlets can stock that much goods that can help in reducing unwanted amount of wastage. Thus with the help of the DSS, this problem can be solved. On the basis of the same, the following figures is sated below- Application of DSS Total sales of apples in one month are 360kgs on an average. So the company will need to stock as much as 30-35kgs per day and that information can easily be provided by the information system and can help in avoiding wastage of the fruits. Total wastage before the system 10kgs per day on an average Total wastage after the system 2-3kg per day on an average. Cloud computing is a modern phenomenon that is associated with the delivery of various services that are hosted over the internet via transfer of data. With the modern use of internet, it is a very useful method to transfer data from one point to the over by using the internet. The businesses are making use of this modern technology for the growth and development of their services that can be supported by better and faster transfer of data. There are various advantages associated with cloud computing in modern retails sector(Talluri 2017). It helps in better agility of the business, because we are getting the information as and when we require. It helps in shortening the duration of the project that eventually helps in faster data movement and better results. It helps the business is providing cheaper, faster and better quality services. It helps in better innovations in the new business initiatives. By utilising, the various options that are available, business are developing new models just based on the cloud computing services that they receive. There are less operational issues involved in cloud computing. It helps in improving the overall business continuity and helps in deploying the same service at the same speed, with generation of better results overall(Singh Chana 2016) It helps in making better use of the available resources as the overall agility of the business improves. It helps in providing better economies of scale that helps in better utilisation of the physical resources that the company has, and red uces the overall consumption of energy and it can be said in the case of the retail industries. By shifting from the traditional process of data transfer to using the modern method of cloud computing, the businesses may find it difficult sometimes, as it will require large amount of resources. However once the shift is done, after the one time investment, it will help in reducing the overall capital expenses that the company might have to incur(Rittinghouse Ransome 2017). Conclusion With the modern times, the need for change has led to large amount of innovation and that can be reflected in the overall growth that the business of today are experiencing with their large scale development. As the demand as increased and with the rise in the competition, it has become very necessary for the organisations to shift from the basic traditional method of data transfer and communication. The new techniques that are present in the market helps in better analysis, better agility and supports the manager in taking better decisions. The growth of the information systems and technology in the recent times, have been fast but erratic. From being only part of the IT department and helping the companies only in IT related matters, the growth has been substantial and that shift can be seen. From large scale to small-scale business, each has been benefited by this method, but patterns can still be observed. Apart from providing important lessons to the management about how to plan , process and innovate, it also helps the specialists and the experts in taking decisions regarding the development of the business. However, once the initial advantages is reaped, there are many issues involved with barriers exsisting every here and there. These barriers are often associated with the mindset of the management to switch to modern methods of communication and there is a lot of cost involved with making the switch. However, as the necessity for the change increases it has led to a large amount of innovation in that matter(Shaohui Fildes 2017). Now it has become difficult to separate the overall information system and information communication from the present business strategy. Hence the need is to understand how and when to make effective use of the information techniques so that they can use the same for the benefit of the business by merging the same with the strategy of the business. This is the way businesses can make the best use of the present innovation and techniques that are there that can help the management in processing the data to the best of their ability. This will help in the overall development of the retail sector(Lee 2017). In the retail sector there are a lot of activities that are dependent on easy and fast availability of better information, and that might help the business to grow and there is where the need for the fast communication system ticks in. With the advent of the technology the modern day issues of processing of large amount of data is solved easily and people can very easily get all the details that they require. This also leads to better flexibility for the customers and can also helps them to compare the information of the various firms and choose the best options that they like. In retail outlets like WalMart the awesome management information system and the decision management system has helped the organisation in proving the best services to its customers and helps the management in taking fast decisions. It has also helped in eliminating the loopholes that were present in the traditional marketing and communication system and has helped to increase the overall efficiency and made t he process faster. The situation today is such that even though the companies do not want, they have to make the switch and use the information techniques for being in this competitive world(Accorsi et al. 2017). References Accorsi, R, Baruffaldi, G, Manzini, R Tufano, A 2017, 'On the design of cooperative vendors networks in retail food supply chains: a logistics-driven approach', International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications , pp. 1-18. Ahmed, R 2016, Bank Reconciliation Report.Cloud Computing Using Oracle Application Express, Apress Publications, Berkeley, CA. Gunasekaran, A, Subramanian, N Papadopoulos, T 2017, 'Information technology for competitive advantage within logistics and supply chains: A review', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol 99, pp. 14-33. King, J Carey, M 2017, Personal Finance, Oxford University Press, UK. Lee, I 2017, The Internet of Things in the Modern Business Environment, IGI, USA. Rittinghouse, ,W Ransome, JF 2017, Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security, CRC Press, USA. Shaohui, M Fildes, R 2017, 'A retail store SKU promotions optimization model for category multi-period profit maximization', European Journal of Operational Research, vol 260, no. 2, pp. 680-692. Singh, S Chana, I 2016, 'A Survey on Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing: Issues and Challenges', Journal of Grid Computing, vol 14, no. 2, pp. 217-264. Sweeting, P 2017, Financial Enterprise Risk Management, 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, UK. Talluri, S 2017, 'novel Techniques In Detecting Reputation Based Attacks And Effectively Identify Trustworthy Cloud Services', International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, vol 4, no. 6.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Teen Parenting Essay Example For Students
Teen Parenting Essay Why Teen Parenting Essay should be delayed? Raising a child isnt an easy thing to do. Raising a child while the parents are still in their teens is even harder. Dealing with the day to day chores that involves a baby and trying to work and get an education is very stressful on any teen. Teen Parenting should be delayed because it is very difficult to handle, some cant handle it. One of my friends is a teen mom, and she wouldnt wish a teen pregnancy on any teen. We will write a custom essay on Teen Parenting specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Trying to work, go to school, raise a baby and still having some growing up to do is nowhere near easy. Dealing with a checkbook, a husband, a newborn, a job and finishing school at sixteen was hard. But she managed, just like many other teen moms but she do wish things could have been easier so she could have enjoyed my first born even more, without all the added stress. A teen mom faces more than just the bills and the baby. A teen mom often deals with becoming stereotypical in the eyes of those around her, strangers, friends and all. Many people dont wish to acknowledge the fact that it only takes once to get pregnant, which may very well be the case for the girl in question. Yet many people will look at her as lowly, assuming she got pregnant on purpose and slept around often. Her parenting skills are doubted, even if she follows the most popular of the parenting experts. Closer to home, teen moms have to deal with relationship problems that may not be such a problem for a mom to be who has been in a relationship for a longer period of time. Boyfriends tend to drop out of the picture or promise to be around, only to leave later. Often the mom will realize he isnt the best person in the world to be a dad, so she doesnt push the issue. Child support is a problem, since most young dads, like the mom, are still in school or not making very much at work. There are some great teen dads out there but unfortunately, they are few and far between. If the mom decides to stay with her parents, she deals with relationship issues on this front too. All to often grandparents want to take over. How can they not? Its extremely hard to step back and let your teen parent another child while you know theyre so young, especially if the parenting styles they have arent what the grandparents practiced on their own children. Babysitting, parenting styles, doubting the ability of the teen. All these can truly affect a teen mom in a negative way. Finishing school and working to support a baby is also a big problem. In todays world, a college degree is almost a must for any good paying job. A high school education is even more important. If a teen mom still has to go to school and work, she has very little time to be a mother. The worst part of it all, is that usually, thats what a teen mom really wants to be. Most teen moms dont want to be part of the statistics. They dont want to be looked down on. They do want to take care of their child, or children, in hopes that they grow up to be strong people. They also want to show the world that they can be a good parent. Its just too bad that society doesnt readily give them that credit. .
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Health watchers at school Essays
Health watchers at school Essays Health watchers at school Paper Health watchers at school Paper Bladen Healthwatch is a non-profit organization concerned with public health that provides health education and outreach services to the public in collaboration with other organizations. Some of the other organizations that work in close association with Bladen Health watch include Bladen Community College, Bladen County Heatlh Department, Bladen County Mental Health center, Bladen Schools, Bladen County Hospitals, Bladen social service organizations, Bladen County library, Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Aging and Town of Elizabethtown, etc. These organizations would be providing the funds and the infrastructure required to operate various public health programs. The main aim of this non-governmental organization is to improve the public health status of those residing in the country of Bladen and also ensures that people become more accountable for their health. One of the main sections of the population that Bladen Health-watch concentrates on school children. The organizations works in collaboration with several county schools in Bladen to ensure health of the students. It provides health education, consultative and preventive services and would make the school students and the family members more accountable for their health. The organization also emphasis on providing healthcare services to the students of rural areas. Various human resources including the school staff, medical personnel, encouragers, volunteers, etc, are utilized in providing the public health services in the schools. Some of the methods that the organization encourages to improve the status of the health include following a healthy lifestyle, eating a healthy food, giving up tobacco use and performing regular exercises. These measures would certainly reduce the chances of developing chronic disease. The organization targets schools due to many reasons including: Not only the children would be gaining awareness of the disease, but also the family members and the relatives. This would certainly help them reduce the chances of developing chronic disease and developing healthy lifestyle behaviors. The organization finds school-based health programs motivating for the students and the family members. As the school is a congenial environment for teaching and learning, the student is in a better position to follow the instructions suggested and developing healthy practices. The students can develop new skills, knowledge and behaviors to ensure health promotion and disease prevention. Ensure that the environment that the individual survives, would promote health and healthy practices. Concentrating on the implementation of guidelines that may be required to bring about health. Developing standards and policies that would be supportive of incorporating healthy practices in lifestyle. The organization would train people belonging to various fields such as teachers, parents, students, corporates, human services, healthcare organizations, religious organizations, businesses, etc. These people in turn would help to develop strategies and ensure that the policies are modified so that the people can take better care of themselves. The organization concentrates the chronic diseases, as these are one of the major public health problems. It provides education on the risks of developing chronic diseases and the manner in which it could be reduced. Education may be provided to the students, family members, etc, through several means such as lectures, educational programs, events, media items, campaigns, etc. The organization would also train some school children, who would be acting as guides for other students. These children would educate the others of the skills required to develop healthy practices. Such children are also motivated and guided into taking up health careers in the future. The organization also stresses upon the importance of maintaining drug-free and tobacco-free lifestyles. In the schools, students may often take up to these noxious habits, and the programs would ensure that the students are made aware of their ill effects. Besides, the organization would also be operating programs for encouraging exercises and consumption of healthy food. One of the programs arranged by the organization is an incentive program, which provides encouragement for people who exercise well, take active part in health programs, consume a healthy diet and encourage other to also do so. Such an incentive program is meant for the students and the family members. More than 5000 students belonging to Bladen schools and colleges belong to these programs. They are also provided opportunities to visit health clubs in the region. The organization has a special interest in training teachers to become school liaisons. They would be playing a leadership role in managing various health programs arranged in the schools. Retrieved: KBR (2002), Self Improvement Program, Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from KBR Web site:
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Burgundian Wars Battle of Nancy
The Burgundian Wars Battle of Nancy In late 1476, despite earlier defeats at Grandson and Murten, Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy moved to besiege the city of Nancy which had been taken by Duke Rene II of Lorraine earlier in the year. Fighting severe winter weather, the Burgundian army encircled the city and Charles hoped to win a swift victory as he knew Rene to be gathering a relief force. Despite the siege conditions, the garrison at Nancy remained active and sortied against the Burgundians. In one foray, they succeeded in capturing 900 of Charles men. Rene Approaches Outside the city walls, Charles situation was made more complicated by the fact that his army was not linguistically unified as it possessed Italian mercenaries, English archers, Dutchmen, Savoyards, as well as his own Burgundian troops. Acting with financial support from Louis XI of France, Rene succeeded in assembling 10,000-12,000 men from Lorraine and the Lower Union of the Rhine. To this force, he added an additional 10,000 Swiss mercenaries. Moving deliberately, Rene began his advance on Nancy in early January. Marching through the winter snows, they arrived south of the city on the morning of January 5, 1477. The Battle of Nancy Moving swiftly, Charles began deploying his smaller army to meet the threat. Making use of the terrain, he positioned his army across a valley with a small stream to its front. While his left was anchored on the River Meurthe, his right rested on an area of thick woods. Arranging his troops, Charles positioned his infantry and thirty field guns in the center with his cavalry on the flanks. Assessing the Burgundian position, Rene and his Swiss commanders decided against a frontal assault believing that it could not succeed. Instead, the decision was made to have the largely Swiss vanguard (Vorhut) move forward to attack Charles left, while the Center (Gewalthut) swung to the left through the forest to attack the enemy right. After a march that lasted around two hours, the Center was in position slightly behind Charles right. From this location, the Swiss alpenhorns sounded three times and Renes men charged down through the woods. As they slammed into Charles right, his cavalry succeeded in driving off their Swiss opposites, but his infantry was soon overwhelmed by superior numbers. As Charles desperately began shifting forces to realign and reinforce his right, his left was driven back by Renes vanguard. With his army collapsing, Charles and his staff frantically worked to rally their men but with no success. With the Burgundian army in mass retreat towards Nancy, Charles was swept along until his party was surrounded by a group of Swiss troops. Attempting to fight their way out, Charles was struck in the head by a Swiss halberdier and killed. Falling from his horse, his body was found three days later. With the Burgundians fleeing, Rene advanced to Nancy and lifted the siege. Aftermath While the casualties for the Battle of Nancy are not known, with Charles death the Burgundian Wars effectively came to an end. Charles Flemish lands were transferred to the Hapsburgs when Archduke Maximilian of Austria married Mary of Burgundy. The Duchy of Burgundy reverted to French control under Louis XI. The performance of the Swiss mercenaries during the campaign further bolstered their reputation as superb soldiers and led to their increased use across Europe.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Commentary on quotations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Commentary on quotations - Essay Example the rights to equality to black citizens but in modern day America, there are other problems created by the inability that still exists to resolve racial tensions and build more empathy and understanding between races. The quotations from famous works below explore some aspects of freedom and independence for all races. In this extract from a latter, John Winthrop is actually speaking of the privations endured on a ship and the relief that they were able to receive. But in these words that speak of Heaven, a Heaven that can be attained although it is necessary to pass through Hell to get to it, there is an underlying symbolism that indicates happiness and godly ends can only be achieved after much struggle and suffering. The heaven that is described in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, which aims to bring equality and liberty to every individual, can only be achieved after much upheaval and turmoil. This is especially notable in the civil rights movement and the long struggle endured by the slaves in achieving their freedom; they have literally passed through Hell and fought for the equality promised in the Constitution, so that successive generations would not have to endure the privations they did. These poignant words, drawn from the American National hymn, express the spirit of the unity and equality that the nation’s forefathers desired when they framed the Declaration of Independence. These lines clearly state the ownership of American soil is not restricted to any particular race or class, it belongs to every American, irrespective of age, sex or race. The practice of segregation which was practiced in America would therefore rise in contravention to the spirit of equal ownership of land, because it declared certain territories off bounds for slaves. Any practice that seeks to isolate members of particular group within a particular geographical terrain and refuse to let them be free would also rise in
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Will Genderless Fashion Change Retail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Will Genderless Fashion Change Retail - Essay Example Additionally, gender fashion is becoming the norm in many fashion centres. Many people in the fashion industry are wondering whether the genderless mode of fashion will apply in the retail industry. Some, however, are quite confident that people will do away with gender codes that have been considered for many years. For example, some women go for Givenchy men’s collection. On the other hand, men have been found eyeing and buying brands for women such as the Celine. Traditional demographic segments such as location, age and gender no longer applies in the fashion industry. The fact is that many people are creating their brands that are not dictated by traditional demographics noted earlier. For example, it has been noted that close to 30% of menswear are genderless. However, research shows that women, many of them, go for men’s clothes. Despite the move by both sexes to any store regardless of their gender, there is a problem of size. For example, with both sexes going for the same product, it is quite complicated to tell their sizes based on specifications such as medium size. The future is, however, bright for a genderless fashion. This can be noted from a few things that women and men share such as makeup (Mellery-Pratt). Picture A and B shows men dressed on women fashion. Those are some of the strategies called by Franà §ois-Henri Pinault, the chief executive who noted that there should be a change in the industry. Women have, for many decades dominated the fashion industry. The solution to Michele’s ailing industry is having both sexes on the runway. They should also have fashions with some similarities. As noted from the two pictures, the two men are dressed in women’s fashion. This is a change that has to go beyond the fashion industry to retail centres. Some fashion centres have tried the strategy of having women and men models. Saint Laurent is one that
Friday, January 24, 2020
Philosophy of Education :: Philosophy of Teaching Teachers Essays
Philosophy of Education In today’s society a good, well rounded education is what every child needs to succeed. The classroom environment, the curriculum, and the way the classroom is managed are all important factors that contribute to the quality of education that a child receives. I believe that the learning environment is very important to a child’s desire to learn. Like Rousseau, I think that education should take place in a rural setting when possible. Ideally the classes would be small, consisting of fifteen to twenty students. This allows for a more intimate relationship between the student and the teacher. By this I mean there is more time for individualized instruction. I also feel that the school environment should be open and bright. When I attended high school there were no windows in the building. This made me feel imprisoned and uncomfortable. Another important factor is the curriculum that is taught. Like the essentialists, I believe that literature, history, foreign language, religion, math, and science are all very important. I also agree with reconstructionists, requiring current events and government. It is very important to know and understand what is happening in the world and in our own country. When it comes to vocational training I have a humanistic point of view. A student have somewhat of an idea about what they want to do in life. If these children do not plan to attend college, they should be allowed to enroll in a vocational training field of their choice. Another subject that is not mentioned but one that I feel to be very important is drug education. I feel that our educational system does not spend enough time covering drugs and how dangerous they can be. One chapter in a health book is not enough. I feel it should be taught in depth for at least a semester. In this country there is a constantly growing drug problem. If children could learn more about the effects of drugs, maybe it could help them to make better decisions concerning drugs. Classroom management is another key factor to a child’s education. I believe in a structured classroom environment. Many states are now setting standards that the students and schools must meet. Therefore I feel that a good mix of direct instruction and hands-on type of activities are best for this situation. I also feel students should be held accountable for their actions in the classroom; rewarded for exceptional behavior and punished for
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Koloon Case Study
Abstract This case study examines the decision making process of the Kowloon Development Company to the PrecisionTree decision tree software from Palisade. The Kowloon Development Company was faced with a major decision about their future investments. The General Manager of the Kowloon Development Company is usually involved in billion dollar investments, accurate decisions are needed. The company has to make a decision over the decision to purchase a new development project the total site area being 16,000 square feet. The objective is to use the use the Decision Tree software from Palisade, to determine the decision for the Kowloon Development Company whether or not to purchase the property. Decision trees provide a formal structure in which decisions and chance events are linked in sequence from left to right the general manager of the Kowloon Development company must decide whether to recommend the purchase of the 350 million dollar property and what would be the rate of return of the investment. He also needed to know whether or not the property would be best served developed or left undeveloped. He knows that if he doesn’t make a decision the board of directors would invest the money for two years at six percent. After performing the test using the PrecisionTree software the correct decision should be to invest 350 million. The only way to guarantee the highest rate from the investment would be 420 million, and if the Kowloon Development Company decided to purchase the property they would only receive a maximum rate of return 394 million for a developed piece of land. Property Investment Decision Introduction Kowloon Development Company is an investment company, involved in the investment, development, and management of properties. BusinessWeek) The company develops and sells residential, commercial, and large office buildings in Hong Kong. It also provides property management services for the projects developed by the company, luxury residential and serviced apartments, and commercial buildings and public housing estates. The company also involves in the property dev elopment, investment holding, property management and security services, financial services, retail, construction, film distribution, provision of consultancy services, property trading and investment. BusinessWeek) As of December 31, 2008, its investment properties comprised primarily retail shops and offices, covering approximately 75,000 square meters of gross floor area; and managed properties covered a gross floor area of approximately 560,100 square meters. (BusinessWeek) In 1998, the Kowloon Development Company was faced with a major decision about their future investments. The General Manager of the Kowloon Development Company is usually involved in billion dollar investments, accurate decisions are needed. Statement of problem The company is quarreled over the decision to purchase a new development project the total site area being 16,000 square feet. The general manager of the Kowloon Development company must decide whether to recommend the purchase of the 350 million dollar property and what would be the rate of return of the investment. He also needed to know whether or not the property would be best served developed or left undeveloped. He knows that if he doesn’t make a decision the board of directors would invest the money for two years at six percent. Determining Risk A structural change in the property market is anticipated as a result of a vastly growing pension fund industry in China, and as there is a renewed interest in Hong Kong and China properties from foreign funds since early 1998. Both domestic and foreign funds will need to find investment opportunities in real property. Foreign funds look at real estate as a long-term investment. They adopt serious and professional approaches in selecting projects, and they want to associate themselves with professional, reliable and respectable consulting firms. HKUST/CEIBS, 1998). Property investors almost all originating from HK and commission a practicability study on property investment and development in Hong Kong; have faced the problem of finding appropriate discounting rates in their analyses. The discounting rates should accurately reflect the opportunity cost of capital and consequently the systematic risk of the project. Quite often, determination of the discounting rates, or the â€Å"hu rdle†rates, has been based nothing more than intuition. However, â€Å"hurdle†rates lead to incorrect investment decisions ecause high return projects are by definition more favored than low return ones. The drawback is that the absolute expected return of a project is very high, but it is still not high enough to compensate for the high risk that has to be borne. Or conversely, a project may be expected to generate very modest return, but this return is already higher than its riskiness. In other words, the expected return of a project must be commensurate with its risk, or more precisely, it’s systematic or market risk. (HKUST/CEIBS, 1998). Observation The objective is to use the use the Decision Tree software from Palisade, to determine the decision for the Kowloon Development Company whether or not to purchase the property. Decision trees provide a formal structure in which decisions and chance events are linked in sequence from left to right. Decisions, chance events, and end results are represented by nodes and connected by branches. The result is a tree structure with the â€Å"root†on the left and various payoffs on the right. Probabilities f events occurring and payoffs for events and decisions are added to each node in the tree. With PrecisionTree, you’ll see the payoff and probability of each possible path through a tree. (Palisade) The first decision is to decide whether or not to bring someone to determine the future selling price that cost 500 thousand dollar we can also calculate the amount the Kowloon Development company would make if the decided to invest the money rather than purchase the land, that price was determined to be 420 million. The next step in the decision making process was to take the information from the investigating crew provided and determine that if we purchase the land would the highest rate of return would come from selling the property developed or undeveloped. The investigating firms were also used to determine the appropriate development ratio as well as the associated construction and interest cost were. The firm estimated that the cost of construction at HKD 106 million for a development ratio of 5. 5, or HKD 150 million for a development ration of 7. 8. With the information provided the next decision was to determine whether or not to apply for the higher development ratio, there was a 60 percent chance that the application would get approved and if it was approved there was a 50 percent chance that there would be an 80 million additional cost associated with the approved application. Results PrecisionTree determines the best decision to make at each decision node and marks the branch for that decision TRUE. Once your decision tree is complete, PrecisionTree’s decision analysis creates a full statistics report on the best decision to make and its comparison with alternative decisions. Palisade) As Results the correct decision should be to invest 350 million. The only way to guarantee the highest rate from the investment would be 420 million, and if the Kowloon Development Company decided to purchase the property they would only receive a maximum rate of return 394 million for a developed piece of land as seen in the graph. Re ferences BusinessWeek. (June, 1) BusinessWeek Company Description Retrieved January, 12 2012, from http://investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp? ticker=34:HK Carmona, M. 2006) Designing mega-projects in Hong Kong: Reflections from an academic accomplice. Journal of URBAN DESIGN 11(1): 105–124. HKUST/CEIBS (1998), Hang Cheong Surveyors Limited (A management case study developed as a basis for class discussion), 4-5. Karakiewicz, J. (2005) The city and the megastructure. In: M. Jenks and N. Dempsey (eds. ) Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities. Oxford: Architectural Press. Kikutake, K. , Otaka, M. , Maki, F. and Kurokawa, K. (1960) Metabolism 1960 – A Proposal for New Urbanism, in proceeding of 1960 World Design Conference, Tokyo: Organizing Committee of World Design Conference. Lau, S. and Wang, J. (2005) High-Density, High-Rise and Multiple and Intensive Land Use in Hong Kong: A Future City Form for the New Millennium. In: M. Jenks and N. Dempsey (eds. ) Future Form and Design for Sustainable Cities. Oxford: Architectural Press. Palisades. (January 14) Palisades Product description retrieved January 14, 2012 from http://www. palisade. com/precisiontree/ Worpole, K. (2000) The Value of Architecture: Design, Economy and the Architectural Imagination. London: Royal Institute of British Architects Future Studies.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Alice s Adventures, The Bfg, And The Invention Of Hugo...
After reading these novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The BFG, and The Invention of Hugo Cabret, I was able to see the varieties of children’s childhoods. Imagination plays a major and main role in children’s literature. Without that imagination, the main characters in the novels mentioned before wouldn’t challenge their morals. In this essay I will argue that these three novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The BFG, and The Invention of Hugo Cabret help the reader understand that growing up with different backgrounds affects how the character handles their obstacles, determining right from wrong, and judgement of impractical and practical situations. In the novels, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the BFG, each character is lured into a world that could be parallel to reality; this is a fantasy world that puts many challenges to their decisions, however it is the way to prepare them to see life clearly. The main characters, Alice and Sophie are unsatisfied and tired with their living conditions, therefore they let themselves get lost in their fantasy worlds. According to Kohlberg’s stages of Moral Development, level 1 is the Pre-conventional morality: â€Å"At the pre-conventional level (nine-year-olds and younger, some over nine), don’t have a personal code of morality. Instead, our moral code is shaped by the standards of adults and the consequences of following or breaking their rules. Authority is outside the individual and reasoning is based on the
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