Monday, December 30, 2019
Essay on The Problem of Bullying - 2439 Words
Bullying does not have a standard definition. Bullying can be anything from calling someone else names, beating them up just for the fun of it, to texting or messaging them on the internet or any mobile device. Any person can be the victim of bullying, not just children. Bullying causes many issues, physically, emotionally, and mentally, not only for the victim, but for their entire families as well. Bullies have many different reasons as to why they start bullying someone else. The actions done to the victim leaves them with only a few options on how to stop being bullied. How they handle it is always different. There are four different types of bullying. These are physical, verbal, indirect, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying†¦show more content†¦This can happen in school, or even in a church style setting. Indirect bullying can happen anywhere that people go. This even includes restaurants and bars. People who bully others are everywhere we are. Indirect bullying can also be not letting someone join in your social groups, or sending things such as â€Å"hate mail†. If you treat someone differently and do not involve them in your social activities, you can be considered as an indirect bully. Other than physical bullying, one of the most common types of bullying is cyber bullying. This can take place anywhere in the world, and anyone can be targeted. It can be done from the privacy of your own home. Cyber bullying consists of things like sending mean text messages to someone, sending e-mails to someone that has been targeted, or even just forwarding a message they received from the victim to everyone they know. There are more forms of cyber bullying than any other type of bullying. Instant messaging is also a form of cyber bullying. People can pretend they are anyone on the internet and this can cause a lot of problems. If a fellow student pretends they like you online and get you to talk â€Å"dirty†to them, they can show everyone the message and get you bullied from others. Cyber bullying has been becoming more popular than any other types of bullying. What the bullies have forgotten is that with cyber bullying, there is aShow MoreRelatedBullying And The Problem Of Bullying Essay1410 Words  | 6 PagesBullying is such a widespread problem going on in schools today. There are times it is swept under the rug, but it is time to address the problem head on. A lot of adults could probably tell you about a time throughout school that they were bullied themselves. Many consider bullying a â€Å"part of growing up,†but I don’t believe this at all. When you have young children killing themselves over being bullied, it needs to end! I believe that the introduction of all the social media apps has made theRead MoreThe Problem of Bullying Essay1049 Words  | 5 Pagesof bullying has accumulated an adequate amount of attention to grow into a national concern. In the textbook, Sociology Now: The Essentials by Michael Kimmel and Amy Aronson, a study disclosed that 77 percent, in Midwestern towns, reported being a victim of bullying during their school years (p. 433). Bullying develops when a person is continually teased or physically hurt, sometimes both, for durations of time. There are different types of bullying such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, indirectRead MoreBullying Is Not A Major Problem1450 Words  | 6 PagesBullying, by definition â€Å"is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance†(Stop Bullying). Bullying has quickly become a serious problem in schools, and it negatively impacts both the bully and the victim. Students who have been bullied even once in their lifetime have a higher risk of attempting suicide, and in general have lower self-esteem, causing them to have difficulty maintaining relationships. Bullies themselves also begin to harassRead MoreIs Bullying A Serious Problem?1683 Words  | 7 PagesHistory of the Problem Bullying has been an ongoing problem all over the world for as long as people can remember. Bullying by definition is, to use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is a very serious problem, victims of bullying are more prone to depression. Bullying does not affect just one group, it can happen to anyone making it a prevalent threat to all of society. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school everyRead MoreBullying Is A Worldwide Problem894 Words  | 4 PagesBullying is a worldwide problem that has been going on for years whether in schools or online. Based off a power point by Laura Rizzardini, bullying is when someone â€Å"purposely causes harm†¦includes social exclusion, and the bully has more power than the victim.†There could many different logics to why bullies bully. Some reasons may include: it is a way to get attention, fit in with a certain group of people, or even that is the wa y they are treated at home so they do not know that it is not acceptableRead MoreBullying Is A Growing Problem1000 Words  | 4 PagesBullying in schools has become an increasing problem in American society. Bullying is the repetitive, aggressive behavior from one person to another. This can include leaving someone out intentionally, spreading rumors, assaulting a person physically and verbally, and threatening someone. Bullying can be executed in many different ways: online, physically, and verbally. The article, â€Å"Bullying in Schools: An Overview†, states, â€Å"According to John A. Calhoun, president and CEO of the National CrimeRead MoreSolve the Bullying Problem667 Words  | 3 Pagesdeath from an abandoned cement factory tower. Rebecca was taken out of the school where the bullying students had attended but the bullying didn’t stop. While attending her old school she got jumped and told that she should â€Å"drink bleach and die†by one of the t wo girls who got arrested for this tragedy. In the United States bullying is becoming a major problem that no one is really trying to fix. Bullying can happen to anyone whether he or she is popular at school or the outcast. Being bullied isRead MoreBullying Is A Common Problem881 Words  | 4 Pages Bullying is a common problem. Bullying is very negative and creates bigger problems for society. Since many people don`t take bullying serious, they are often left shocked and confused when an incident occurs as a result of bullying. This essay is about dealing with bullying and one teens desparate struggle to deal with the issue; which ultimately led to her suicide at the age of 15. There are many forms of bullying. Two types of bullying that Amanda experienced was emotional bullying, which includesRead MoreIs Bullying A Serious Problem?1176 Words  | 5 PagesHundreds of years bullying has been going on, how long will it finally stop? In the United States Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. Bullying is a Very serious social matter that needs to stop, Bullying related suicideRead MoreThe Problem of Cyber Bullying1323 Words  | 6 Pagesnew problem to arise. â€Å"Half of students admit to being bullied online, while an estimated seventy-nine percent of teenagers say it’s a problem,†(â€Å"An Old Problem with a New Face†). Since the rapid growth of technology, cyber bullying has become life-threatening for too many teenagers. Now that teenagers have phones and technology almost twenty-four hours a day, they are putting themselves at a greater risk of being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is different from regular, old-school bullying; cyber
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Many Deities Of Death - 1005 Words
Bell 1 Casey Bell Dr. Ward Pre-AP English 2 30 October 2014 The Many Deities of Death Have you ever wondered how other religions viewed death? Have you wondered why others celebrate it? Have you wondered which religions had which gods or goddesses assigned to certain roles in the death hierarchy? Well, as you read this essay, you will learn each of these things and more. While reading, remember that other religions are quite different from your own and they may differ into the extremes. The Many deities all have different names, though many have the same purpose. There are also deities of the underworld and of resurrection that are commonly†¦show more content†¦One deity, often pictured darker or more menacing, is assigned the job of presiding over death. Some polytheistic religions have a â€Å"departmental†deity of death. They make death seem as if it is an amazing journey, but they do not glorify the points of death or dying. In monotheistic religion, one god governs life and death. When a monotheistic is in practice, this seems to manifest in different rituals and traditions. These rituals and traditions vary depending on geographical location, local politics, main traditions, and the influences of other religions. One of the many polytheistic religions is that of Babylonian Mythology. They have Freshkigal, the first lady of the underworld. They also include Nergal as the second lord of the underworld. Another polytheistic religion is Aztec Mythology. Their lord of the underworld is called Mictlantecuhtli, while their queen of the underworld is called Mictecacihuatl. In Egyptian Mythology, they not only have their lord of the dead, Osiris, they also have Anubis, he is the guardian of the dead, mummification, and the afterlife. Along with Anubis’ mother, Nephthys, who is sister to Osiris and another guardian of the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
A reflection report and why it is an important task Free Essays
If your motive to be a good pupil you need acquire usage to proper manner to extenuate your defects for that you should hold good perceptual experience of your acquisition. In this instance we are utilizing different sort of tools and engineerings to measure pupil ‘s acquisition. Belbin, SWOT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire are few illustrations for acquisition tools and engineerings. We will write a custom essay sample on A reflection report and why it is an important task or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this study I am traveling to show my experience with these acquisition tools and engineerings. It will be included my strength, failing, chances I have obtained to increase my surveies every bit good as what are the schemes I am traveling to utilize success my acquisition, what are the breaks for my development, how can I reassign my accomplishments for future calling. On the other manus I am traveling to happen how I can utilize these experiences with other faculty. What are my Strengths? Bing Prepared for Study Study accomplishments questionnaire show I have good betterments in prepared for survey. I have identified my personal resources. I am ever garnering thought from coachs and aged pupils. I have clearly identified what sort of resources do I need to success my academic surveies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am utilizing cyberspace every bit good as library for maintains this quality to send on. I have good thoughts who are the people and topographic points that I can utilize for better my surveies. It seems indecorous survey more helpful to being prepared for survey. Harmonizing Cottrell.S ( 2008, p12 ) Independent survey is â€Å" feature all university programmes. The sum and the sort varies from one programme to another †. Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent survey therefore I can file away my ain success by pull offing my surveies good. Information Technology Study Audit suggests I am good in information engineering. When I was following DNIIT ( sheepskin in national institute of information Technology ) I have used Microsoft office related assignments every bit good as I have good experience with other assortment of package. Today I am utilizing my old experience when I am making my academic acquisition in Northumbria University. So it helps me to make my assignments and everything much easy. Referencing Study accomplishments questionnaire describe I have good thought when I am making referencing for my academic authorship. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this instance I am following â€Å" Cite them right †written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively impacting me to when I am making my assignment in my plan faculty. I know how to bring forth list of mention, understanding about mention beginning. I have got positive feedback from coach about my referencing for formative assignment in undertaking direction faculty. Team Worker Belbin trial consequence shows I am a good squad worker when I am working in a group. By and large most schools and universities depend on persons but late they more sing bettering pupils accomplishments when they are work as a group. It is call as ‘people accomplishments ‘ or ‘interpersonal accomplishments ‘ . Cottrell.S ( 2008, p93 ) . As a squad worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could assist me to pass on with each other ‘s and take others ideas into my group every bit good as I can promote members in my group. I can portion my cognition, thoughts among the group members besides I can promote them, I can listen them eventually I can pull off my group into success. What are my Failings? Organization of larning Kennedy. J ( 2005, p6 ) pointed out â€Å" planning and forming your clip expeditiously enables you to interrupt up long periods of academic survey into realistic and accomplishable aims †. Skill Audit finds I am hebdomad with organisation of larning. I have n’t program for my surveies ; I have n’t good organized my talk notes. In some instance it severely effectual when I am subjecting my assignments, when I am traveling for my talks and when I am confronting to exam. Time Management Study accomplishments questionnaire find I have less ability to pull off my clip. It seems I am off from commanding my ain clip, much clip take to finish undertakings, no clip to liberate. I am non utilizing clip tabular array for my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours works that makes me problem with my assignments deadline. I m non schedule my academic undertakings. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did non understand demand of clip direction. Revision and test techniques Skills Audit suggests I want acquire more experience about alteration and test techniques. Revision we need for to recover of import information, theory and techniques that can utilize for our surveies ( University of Worcester, 2007 ) . This happened I have non utilize any past test documents. It seems I have n’t good schemes for face scrutiny. For an instant I am weak planning clip and get bying with anxiousness in the test room. Opportunities In my applied calculating plan I have to more chance to follow several sort of faculty it is conveying me more chances. Academic communicating This faculty is conveying me grade chances of better my academic authorship accomplishments. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic undertakings. Particularly it guides us to how to utilize English grammar and vocabulary suitably and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communicating faculty is giving right counsel for study authorship. It makes us much easy when we are making our surveies in other faculties. Undertaking direction Project direction is giving experience cognition to pull off single undertakings. It is give more chances project direction techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, programming, estimating, hazard directions are most of import in this faculty. Therefore we are utilizing Microsoft Project as a personal computer based undertaking direction tool. It is more utile for my other faculty for mange the faculty undertaking by utilizing this faculty experience. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design In this faculty we are acquiring more experience about Object-oriented constructs and an object-oriented development procedure. To make this we are utilizing Unified Modeling Language as a methodological analysis. In this faculty we are larning to plan the structural and dynamic facets of information systems utilizing UML. Entrepreneurship and Small Business These faculties helpful to get down our ain concern without any others help. In this faculty we learn demands for startup little concern. It guides to how to construct up compressive concern program to success. We have another chance to acquire concern thoughts to success from top concern work forces because each and every hebdomad different concern work forces carry on our seminars. My schemes to get the better of failing I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my failings. If I need a success in my survey I have to keep my strength continuously I should hold good program to from my failings. aˆ? Schemes for organisation of larning I have identified I have n’t good schemes to be after my surveies. Therefore I need to well program my surveies in each and every faculty we are acquiring coach notes so I need to set up so in to rectify order so it. My following suggestion is I want to give pull off my clip to make my assignments before to deadline. Some clip it will hard me to acquire utilize it because I am ever busy with my work. Schemes for Time Management In this instance I want to be cognizant of my clip in how is wanted to utilize that in proper manner. I suggest I want to do clip tabular array for my surveies. So that I want to be after and form my surveies for an illustration I can be after my academic semester or academic twelvemonth. After that I can look into out my program is working or non decently. It is more of import when I am working with deadlines. I think it is assist me to subject my assignments on clip. Schemes for Time Revision and test techniques To get the better of with this failing I need to read more books and I want more pattern to memorise everything I have studied. I suggest I can utilize my free clip to recover my surveies. I want to take drumhead and need to carefully travel through my talk note after my finish my talks to acquire rid of this failing. I hope to happen out base on balls test documents and travel through that before I face to exam. Some clip it is hard to me happen out exam base on balls documents related to my faculty. Otherwise it will easy for me. Events or people might suppress your development My determination shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is universe celebrated societal networking web site. I think I am exhausted my valuable clip with Facebook. In Facebook I am chew the fating with my friends, I am watching their updates every clip and watching others exposures. So it takes more than two hours per twenty-four hours. It is severely affect me to when I am traveling to my clip for surveies. Normally it takes two or more hours to fix our repasts that besides clip blowing and it cut down our survey clip. In my free clip and weekends I am watching athleticss events or a film or musical plans on Television. These events besides baldly affect to my development. Transportation accomplishments to for future calling aspirations We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our accomplishments and natural abilities are our endowments. Transfer accomplishments are the accomplishments and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life ( occupation, categories, undertakings, avocations, athleticss ) . These abilities are more of import for your future calling. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life ( Leading Org Solutions, 2009 ) Therefore I am traveling to happen out few accomplishments that I can utilize for success my future calling aspirations. Each and every accomplishment we have that are really of import for our hereafter in here I traveling to discourse few of them. Forming work It is more helpful for your future calling. So I can work harmonizing to plane. I can utilize my experience to choose suited undertakings. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to complete my undertaking without any problem. Time Management Each and every undertaking we need to be a proper clip direction. In my future calling I hope to utilize my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without holding any problems. Working with others In this accomplishment it helps me to work as a group. I can portion my cognition with them for archive marks. I can pull off group, I can promote them, I solve jobs, I can work with several people from a assortment of background. Decision Each and every pupil ‘s aspiration is to be success in their instruction. Therefore self rating is most of import step pupil ‘s accomplishments. I think it is utile tools and engineering like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for step pupil ‘s accomplishments. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the failings you should hold overcome. On other manus you have to be cognizant with your surveies that will assist you to understand what the chances you have got. Should hold right identified who are the people and what are the events suppress your development. It will assist you make your larning without blowing your clip. Finally it is truly of import you must hold right thought about reassigning your accomplishments to you future calling. If you follow these stairss accuracy you will decidedly success in your acquisition. How to cite A reflection report and why it is an important task, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
McDonalds Essay Example For Students
McDonalds Essay It is a place that some love like a humongous pizza on a Saturday night after a movie, and some loath like the Federal Emergency Management Agencys handling of the hurricane Katrina disaster. It is a place that can make any child smile when he or she hears that they can play in the play land. It is also a place that can make an employee swear when he learns that he has to cook the meat for the 12 double cheese burgers which is like 24 pieces of meat for the family of that kid in the play land.. If you go to this place to much you may become as fat as the fat Albert and a sumo wrestler combined. McDonalds is a place that no one would like to work at, because first of all the back rooms either smell like garbage or moldy cheese that has been aging in a trashcan for a year and a half. Second of all no would like to work here because the number of flies in the restaurant at any time of the day is equal to that of the number of grains of sand on a beach. The last reason that I will mention that no one would want to work at there is that the uniforms literally smell like the play land because they reuse the uniforms and when they are not being used by an employee they are stored on they floor behind the mesh fence under the play land and no matter what you do you cannot get that smell out. Being a customer at McDonalds is a lot better than being an employee, because first of all you dont half to stay their for many hours at a time, and second of all most of the time you do not realize how many hours the food may have been sitting in the warmers before you got there. McDonalds isnt all bad though especially if you like junk food which everyone at some point in time in their lives has a craving for. Like many fast food joints McDonalds has a monumentally large selection of foods to choose from most of which are sandwiches. Of course there is the standard hamburger and cheeseburger which are made with a regular bun, meat, ketchup, mustard, onions, and pickles. Then there is the quarter pounder and double quarter pounder with cheese these sandwiches are prepared the same way except the get a bun with seeds on top and they also get a piece or two of meat which is the same shape as the hamburgers and cheeseburgers except it looks like it went on steroids. Then there are the new premiums chicken sandwiches, which do not look half as premium as they do in the commercials. These sandwiches are prepared with a regular bun, a slice of tomato, and gigantic piece of lettuce which also looks like it was put on steroids, mayo and, a piece of either crispy or grilled chicken Mickey Ds also has an excellent selection of deserts to choose from. There is the plain vanilla cone which no human being on the face of this earth could hate because obviously everyone loves ice cream. There is also the free kiddy cones which are so incredibly tiny that anyone over the age of three could eat in one bite. Another desert choice you can have is the sundaes which can have one of three toppings. There is of course hot fudge, fruity strawberry, and silky caramel which are all fine choices depending on what a person loves. McDonalds can either be a good or bad thing in your day depending on if you get the right food and that food is quality or not. For anyone who works there however, the experience is always equivalent to that of a man who walks into a bar during football season on a Monday night wearing a Packers jersey in Chicago.
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