Monday, December 30, 2019
Essay on The Problem of Bullying - 2439 Words
Bullying does not have a standard definition. Bullying can be anything from calling someone else names, beating them up just for the fun of it, to texting or messaging them on the internet or any mobile device. Any person can be the victim of bullying, not just children. Bullying causes many issues, physically, emotionally, and mentally, not only for the victim, but for their entire families as well. Bullies have many different reasons as to why they start bullying someone else. The actions done to the victim leaves them with only a few options on how to stop being bullied. How they handle it is always different. There are four different types of bullying. These are physical, verbal, indirect, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying†¦show more content†¦This can happen in school, or even in a church style setting. Indirect bullying can happen anywhere that people go. This even includes restaurants and bars. People who bully others are everywhere we are. Indirect bullying can also be not letting someone join in your social groups, or sending things such as â€Å"hate mail†. If you treat someone differently and do not involve them in your social activities, you can be considered as an indirect bully. Other than physical bullying, one of the most common types of bullying is cyber bullying. This can take place anywhere in the world, and anyone can be targeted. It can be done from the privacy of your own home. Cyber bullying consists of things like sending mean text messages to someone, sending e-mails to someone that has been targeted, or even just forwarding a message they received from the victim to everyone they know. There are more forms of cyber bullying than any other type of bullying. Instant messaging is also a form of cyber bullying. People can pretend they are anyone on the internet and this can cause a lot of problems. If a fellow student pretends they like you online and get you to talk â€Å"dirty†to them, they can show everyone the message and get you bullied from others. Cyber bullying has been becoming more popular than any other types of bullying. What the bullies have forgotten is that with cyber bullying, there is aShow MoreRelatedBullying And The Problem Of Bullying Essay1410 Words  | 6 PagesBullying is such a widespread problem going on in schools today. There are times it is swept under the rug, but it is time to address the problem head on. A lot of adults could probably tell you about a time throughout school that they were bullied themselves. Many consider bullying a â€Å"part of growing up,†but I don’t believe this at all. When you have young children killing themselves over being bullied, it needs to end! I believe that the introduction of all the social media apps has made theRead MoreThe Problem of Bullying Essay1049 Words  | 5 Pagesof bullying has accumulated an adequate amount of attention to grow into a national concern. In the textbook, Sociology Now: The Essentials by Michael Kimmel and Amy Aronson, a study disclosed that 77 percent, in Midwestern towns, reported being a victim of bullying during their school years (p. 433). Bullying develops when a person is continually teased or physically hurt, sometimes both, for durations of time. There are different types of bullying such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, indirectRead MoreBullying Is Not A Major Problem1450 Words  | 6 PagesBullying, by definition â€Å"is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance†(Stop Bullying). Bullying has quickly become a serious problem in schools, and it negatively impacts both the bully and the victim. Students who have been bullied even once in their lifetime have a higher risk of attempting suicide, and in general have lower self-esteem, causing them to have difficulty maintaining relationships. Bullies themselves also begin to harassRead MoreIs Bullying A Serious Problem?1683 Words  | 7 PagesHistory of the Problem Bullying has been an ongoing problem all over the world for as long as people can remember. Bullying by definition is, to use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is a very serious problem, victims of bullying are more prone to depression. Bullying does not affect just one group, it can happen to anyone making it a prevalent threat to all of society. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school everyRead MoreBullying Is A Worldwide Problem894 Words  | 4 PagesBullying is a worldwide problem that has been going on for years whether in schools or online. Based off a power point by Laura Rizzardini, bullying is when someone â€Å"purposely causes harm†¦includes social exclusion, and the bully has more power than the victim.†There could many different logics to why bullies bully. Some reasons may include: it is a way to get attention, fit in with a certain group of people, or even that is the wa y they are treated at home so they do not know that it is not acceptableRead MoreBullying Is A Growing Problem1000 Words  | 4 PagesBullying in schools has become an increasing problem in American society. Bullying is the repetitive, aggressive behavior from one person to another. This can include leaving someone out intentionally, spreading rumors, assaulting a person physically and verbally, and threatening someone. Bullying can be executed in many different ways: online, physically, and verbally. The article, â€Å"Bullying in Schools: An Overview†, states, â€Å"According to John A. Calhoun, president and CEO of the National CrimeRead MoreSolve the Bullying Problem667 Words  | 3 Pagesdeath from an abandoned cement factory tower. Rebecca was taken out of the school where the bullying students had attended but the bullying didn’t stop. While attending her old school she got jumped and told that she should â€Å"drink bleach and die†by one of the t wo girls who got arrested for this tragedy. In the United States bullying is becoming a major problem that no one is really trying to fix. Bullying can happen to anyone whether he or she is popular at school or the outcast. Being bullied isRead MoreBullying Is A Common Problem881 Words  | 4 Pages Bullying is a common problem. Bullying is very negative and creates bigger problems for society. Since many people don`t take bullying serious, they are often left shocked and confused when an incident occurs as a result of bullying. This essay is about dealing with bullying and one teens desparate struggle to deal with the issue; which ultimately led to her suicide at the age of 15. There are many forms of bullying. Two types of bullying that Amanda experienced was emotional bullying, which includesRead MoreIs Bullying A Serious Problem?1176 Words  | 5 PagesHundreds of years bullying has been going on, how long will it finally stop? In the United States Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. Bullying is a Very serious social matter that needs to stop, Bullying related suicideRead MoreThe Problem of Cyber Bullying1323 Words  | 6 Pagesnew problem to arise. â€Å"Half of students admit to being bullied online, while an estimated seventy-nine percent of teenagers say it’s a problem,†(â€Å"An Old Problem with a New Face†). Since the rapid growth of technology, cyber bullying has become life-threatening for too many teenagers. Now that teenagers have phones and technology almost twenty-four hours a day, they are putting themselves at a greater risk of being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is different from regular, old-school bullying; cyber
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Many Deities Of Death - 1005 Words
Bell 1 Casey Bell Dr. Ward Pre-AP English 2 30 October 2014 The Many Deities of Death Have you ever wondered how other religions viewed death? Have you wondered why others celebrate it? Have you wondered which religions had which gods or goddesses assigned to certain roles in the death hierarchy? Well, as you read this essay, you will learn each of these things and more. While reading, remember that other religions are quite different from your own and they may differ into the extremes. The Many deities all have different names, though many have the same purpose. There are also deities of the underworld and of resurrection that are commonly†¦show more content†¦One deity, often pictured darker or more menacing, is assigned the job of presiding over death. Some polytheistic religions have a â€Å"departmental†deity of death. They make death seem as if it is an amazing journey, but they do not glorify the points of death or dying. In monotheistic religion, one god governs life and death. When a monotheistic is in practice, this seems to manifest in different rituals and traditions. These rituals and traditions vary depending on geographical location, local politics, main traditions, and the influences of other religions. One of the many polytheistic religions is that of Babylonian Mythology. They have Freshkigal, the first lady of the underworld. They also include Nergal as the second lord of the underworld. Another polytheistic religion is Aztec Mythology. Their lord of the underworld is called Mictlantecuhtli, while their queen of the underworld is called Mictecacihuatl. In Egyptian Mythology, they not only have their lord of the dead, Osiris, they also have Anubis, he is the guardian of the dead, mummification, and the afterlife. Along with Anubis’ mother, Nephthys, who is sister to Osiris and another guardian of the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
A reflection report and why it is an important task Free Essays
If your motive to be a good pupil you need acquire usage to proper manner to extenuate your defects for that you should hold good perceptual experience of your acquisition. In this instance we are utilizing different sort of tools and engineerings to measure pupil ‘s acquisition. Belbin, SWOT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire are few illustrations for acquisition tools and engineerings. We will write a custom essay sample on A reflection report and why it is an important task or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this study I am traveling to show my experience with these acquisition tools and engineerings. It will be included my strength, failing, chances I have obtained to increase my surveies every bit good as what are the schemes I am traveling to utilize success my acquisition, what are the breaks for my development, how can I reassign my accomplishments for future calling. On the other manus I am traveling to happen how I can utilize these experiences with other faculty. What are my Strengths? Bing Prepared for Study Study accomplishments questionnaire show I have good betterments in prepared for survey. I have identified my personal resources. I am ever garnering thought from coachs and aged pupils. I have clearly identified what sort of resources do I need to success my academic surveies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am utilizing cyberspace every bit good as library for maintains this quality to send on. I have good thoughts who are the people and topographic points that I can utilize for better my surveies. It seems indecorous survey more helpful to being prepared for survey. Harmonizing Cottrell.S ( 2008, p12 ) Independent survey is â€Å" feature all university programmes. The sum and the sort varies from one programme to another †. Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent survey therefore I can file away my ain success by pull offing my surveies good. Information Technology Study Audit suggests I am good in information engineering. When I was following DNIIT ( sheepskin in national institute of information Technology ) I have used Microsoft office related assignments every bit good as I have good experience with other assortment of package. Today I am utilizing my old experience when I am making my academic acquisition in Northumbria University. So it helps me to make my assignments and everything much easy. Referencing Study accomplishments questionnaire describe I have good thought when I am making referencing for my academic authorship. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this instance I am following â€Å" Cite them right †written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively impacting me to when I am making my assignment in my plan faculty. I know how to bring forth list of mention, understanding about mention beginning. I have got positive feedback from coach about my referencing for formative assignment in undertaking direction faculty. Team Worker Belbin trial consequence shows I am a good squad worker when I am working in a group. By and large most schools and universities depend on persons but late they more sing bettering pupils accomplishments when they are work as a group. It is call as ‘people accomplishments ‘ or ‘interpersonal accomplishments ‘ . Cottrell.S ( 2008, p93 ) . As a squad worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could assist me to pass on with each other ‘s and take others ideas into my group every bit good as I can promote members in my group. I can portion my cognition, thoughts among the group members besides I can promote them, I can listen them eventually I can pull off my group into success. What are my Failings? Organization of larning Kennedy. J ( 2005, p6 ) pointed out â€Å" planning and forming your clip expeditiously enables you to interrupt up long periods of academic survey into realistic and accomplishable aims †. Skill Audit finds I am hebdomad with organisation of larning. I have n’t program for my surveies ; I have n’t good organized my talk notes. In some instance it severely effectual when I am subjecting my assignments, when I am traveling for my talks and when I am confronting to exam. Time Management Study accomplishments questionnaire find I have less ability to pull off my clip. It seems I am off from commanding my ain clip, much clip take to finish undertakings, no clip to liberate. I am non utilizing clip tabular array for my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours works that makes me problem with my assignments deadline. I m non schedule my academic undertakings. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did non understand demand of clip direction. Revision and test techniques Skills Audit suggests I want acquire more experience about alteration and test techniques. Revision we need for to recover of import information, theory and techniques that can utilize for our surveies ( University of Worcester, 2007 ) . This happened I have non utilize any past test documents. It seems I have n’t good schemes for face scrutiny. For an instant I am weak planning clip and get bying with anxiousness in the test room. Opportunities In my applied calculating plan I have to more chance to follow several sort of faculty it is conveying me more chances. Academic communicating This faculty is conveying me grade chances of better my academic authorship accomplishments. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic undertakings. Particularly it guides us to how to utilize English grammar and vocabulary suitably and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communicating faculty is giving right counsel for study authorship. It makes us much easy when we are making our surveies in other faculties. Undertaking direction Project direction is giving experience cognition to pull off single undertakings. It is give more chances project direction techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, programming, estimating, hazard directions are most of import in this faculty. Therefore we are utilizing Microsoft Project as a personal computer based undertaking direction tool. It is more utile for my other faculty for mange the faculty undertaking by utilizing this faculty experience. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design In this faculty we are acquiring more experience about Object-oriented constructs and an object-oriented development procedure. To make this we are utilizing Unified Modeling Language as a methodological analysis. In this faculty we are larning to plan the structural and dynamic facets of information systems utilizing UML. Entrepreneurship and Small Business These faculties helpful to get down our ain concern without any others help. In this faculty we learn demands for startup little concern. It guides to how to construct up compressive concern program to success. We have another chance to acquire concern thoughts to success from top concern work forces because each and every hebdomad different concern work forces carry on our seminars. My schemes to get the better of failing I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my failings. If I need a success in my survey I have to keep my strength continuously I should hold good program to from my failings. aˆ? Schemes for organisation of larning I have identified I have n’t good schemes to be after my surveies. Therefore I need to well program my surveies in each and every faculty we are acquiring coach notes so I need to set up so in to rectify order so it. My following suggestion is I want to give pull off my clip to make my assignments before to deadline. Some clip it will hard me to acquire utilize it because I am ever busy with my work. Schemes for Time Management In this instance I want to be cognizant of my clip in how is wanted to utilize that in proper manner. I suggest I want to do clip tabular array for my surveies. So that I want to be after and form my surveies for an illustration I can be after my academic semester or academic twelvemonth. After that I can look into out my program is working or non decently. It is more of import when I am working with deadlines. I think it is assist me to subject my assignments on clip. Schemes for Time Revision and test techniques To get the better of with this failing I need to read more books and I want more pattern to memorise everything I have studied. I suggest I can utilize my free clip to recover my surveies. I want to take drumhead and need to carefully travel through my talk note after my finish my talks to acquire rid of this failing. I hope to happen out base on balls test documents and travel through that before I face to exam. Some clip it is hard to me happen out exam base on balls documents related to my faculty. Otherwise it will easy for me. Events or people might suppress your development My determination shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is universe celebrated societal networking web site. I think I am exhausted my valuable clip with Facebook. In Facebook I am chew the fating with my friends, I am watching their updates every clip and watching others exposures. So it takes more than two hours per twenty-four hours. It is severely affect me to when I am traveling to my clip for surveies. Normally it takes two or more hours to fix our repasts that besides clip blowing and it cut down our survey clip. In my free clip and weekends I am watching athleticss events or a film or musical plans on Television. These events besides baldly affect to my development. Transportation accomplishments to for future calling aspirations We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our accomplishments and natural abilities are our endowments. Transfer accomplishments are the accomplishments and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life ( occupation, categories, undertakings, avocations, athleticss ) . These abilities are more of import for your future calling. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life ( Leading Org Solutions, 2009 ) Therefore I am traveling to happen out few accomplishments that I can utilize for success my future calling aspirations. Each and every accomplishment we have that are really of import for our hereafter in here I traveling to discourse few of them. Forming work It is more helpful for your future calling. So I can work harmonizing to plane. I can utilize my experience to choose suited undertakings. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to complete my undertaking without any problem. Time Management Each and every undertaking we need to be a proper clip direction. In my future calling I hope to utilize my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without holding any problems. Working with others In this accomplishment it helps me to work as a group. I can portion my cognition with them for archive marks. I can pull off group, I can promote them, I solve jobs, I can work with several people from a assortment of background. Decision Each and every pupil ‘s aspiration is to be success in their instruction. Therefore self rating is most of import step pupil ‘s accomplishments. I think it is utile tools and engineering like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for step pupil ‘s accomplishments. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the failings you should hold overcome. On other manus you have to be cognizant with your surveies that will assist you to understand what the chances you have got. Should hold right identified who are the people and what are the events suppress your development. It will assist you make your larning without blowing your clip. Finally it is truly of import you must hold right thought about reassigning your accomplishments to you future calling. If you follow these stairss accuracy you will decidedly success in your acquisition. How to cite A reflection report and why it is an important task, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
McDonalds Essay Example For Students
McDonalds Essay It is a place that some love like a humongous pizza on a Saturday night after a movie, and some loath like the Federal Emergency Management Agencys handling of the hurricane Katrina disaster. It is a place that can make any child smile when he or she hears that they can play in the play land. It is also a place that can make an employee swear when he learns that he has to cook the meat for the 12 double cheese burgers which is like 24 pieces of meat for the family of that kid in the play land.. If you go to this place to much you may become as fat as the fat Albert and a sumo wrestler combined. McDonalds is a place that no one would like to work at, because first of all the back rooms either smell like garbage or moldy cheese that has been aging in a trashcan for a year and a half. Second of all no would like to work here because the number of flies in the restaurant at any time of the day is equal to that of the number of grains of sand on a beach. The last reason that I will mention that no one would want to work at there is that the uniforms literally smell like the play land because they reuse the uniforms and when they are not being used by an employee they are stored on they floor behind the mesh fence under the play land and no matter what you do you cannot get that smell out. Being a customer at McDonalds is a lot better than being an employee, because first of all you dont half to stay their for many hours at a time, and second of all most of the time you do not realize how many hours the food may have been sitting in the warmers before you got there. McDonalds isnt all bad though especially if you like junk food which everyone at some point in time in their lives has a craving for. Like many fast food joints McDonalds has a monumentally large selection of foods to choose from most of which are sandwiches. Of course there is the standard hamburger and cheeseburger which are made with a regular bun, meat, ketchup, mustard, onions, and pickles. Then there is the quarter pounder and double quarter pounder with cheese these sandwiches are prepared the same way except the get a bun with seeds on top and they also get a piece or two of meat which is the same shape as the hamburgers and cheeseburgers except it looks like it went on steroids. Then there are the new premiums chicken sandwiches, which do not look half as premium as they do in the commercials. These sandwiches are prepared with a regular bun, a slice of tomato, and gigantic piece of lettuce which also looks like it was put on steroids, mayo and, a piece of either crispy or grilled chicken Mickey Ds also has an excellent selection of deserts to choose from. There is the plain vanilla cone which no human being on the face of this earth could hate because obviously everyone loves ice cream. There is also the free kiddy cones which are so incredibly tiny that anyone over the age of three could eat in one bite. Another desert choice you can have is the sundaes which can have one of three toppings. There is of course hot fudge, fruity strawberry, and silky caramel which are all fine choices depending on what a person loves. McDonalds can either be a good or bad thing in your day depending on if you get the right food and that food is quality or not. For anyone who works there however, the experience is always equivalent to that of a man who walks into a bar during football season on a Monday night wearing a Packers jersey in Chicago.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Airline Safety Essays (2051 words) - American Brands,
Airline Safety What Should the Regulations be Regarding Airline Safety? Introduction It was early in the morning, warm & sunny. We had the day off from school for some reason, but I can't remember why. I was riding my bike in the street with my friend, Mike, about 4 blocks from my home in the North Park area of San Diego when I heard a faint blast, looked up and saw a jetliner falling out of the sky on fire. I can't remember thinking anything except It's going to hit my house. Then I realized there were probably a lot of people on the plane, and was immediately so scared I began to cry. Then I didn't hear anything until the plane hit the ground. Watching that plane on impact is a sensation I hope I never have to relive again. The aircraft was diving at a steep angle and one wing was on fire, with flames shooting everywhere. I remember the plane disappearing behind some tall trees and then feeling the ground shake like an earthquake, and the deafening roar of the impact and following explosion. It was an absolute nightmare. It seemed like the entire neighborhood was o n fire. The TV stations & news reporters were converging on the scene in what seemed like only a matter of minutes, but must've been at least half an hour. I think I just stood there talking to people for the longest time, but I don't remember anything they said. There were only distant sirens. In a short period of time the police and several residents had blocked off the streets to traffic, and I remember hearing people screaming in the background, and others yelling to get help. I also remember the trees being on fire and this incredible column of black smoke rising into the clear air, and the smell of jet fuel burning. All these people - some Firefighters, some Police Officers, and some ordinary people - were carrying injured people and passengers into the private school across the street. I didn't know then, but some of them were dead. I remember how weird it was that the freeway traffic was completely stopped on I-805, which was only a block from the impact site, and it was eer ily quiet except for the distant chaos. My friend Mike disappeared. I found out he was okay, but he had gotten scared. Today the area where the plane crashed looks oddly newer than the older homes in the area. I can't imagine living there and knowing what had happened in 1978. I think a lot of those people have no idea what took place.... but maybe they do. I no longer live in San Diego, but I always drive by when I visit and say a little prayer (Peters). The above was a witnesss description of an accident that was caused by a malfunction in an airplane. It shows what happens to individual people, families, and their communities. People that dont even have anything to do with airliners are often affected be these tragic events. We are here to address these events, discuss their causes, and foresee any possible ways to prevent, or at least cut down, these occurrences. We want to know what the regulations should be regarding airline safety. History and Background The topic of airline safety is a very controversial one with no real good answer that best suits everybody. The two extreme answers to this problem are either, increase airline safety regulations, or dont. Both answers help and hurt a number of people, in a number of ways. If the airline regulations are increased, more tragedies would be avoided and more lives would be saved, however, if they were increased, than a chain of events will occur that will cause everything to be more expensive. First of all, in order for the airlines do adequately meet these new regulations, they will have to devote more time and more man - power to the project. This will then increase their input costs. With input costs being increased the ticket prices for consumers will then go up. Since obviously nobody likes rises in ticket prices, consumer consumption will then decrease dramatically. So basically, if the regulations
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Annual Meeting in China essay
buy custom Annual Meeting in China essay The SAT results, the proposed extension of the unemployment pay week and the direction China speaks to taking with American industry will affect the integration of personal, community and global dimensions. The ultimate goal likely to be attained by all these is creating an economic platform for growth. These factors work together in providing a universal platform of planning for the future. The extension of the unemployment pay week and the direction of China concerning American industry will together build a right foundation for the youth. Personal, communal and global integration is a major boost that willbe experienced with the implementation of these elements. The potential of the youth in leadership will only be developed through the proper implementation of the said proposals. They will work on well for the well being of the society at large. The corporate financial future on the other hand stands a chance to boost businesses, the civil society and governments to improve the world status. It will go further in assisting all stakeholders to address the main financial challenges in the corporate world. These include: mitigating risks, ensuring sustainable growth, enhancing social wellbeing, health promotion and promoting sustainabilitty of the environment. The above proposals have personal implications. I am confident that this will expand my thinking and the level of participation in the corporate world. It will thus provide an entrepreneurship arena as my skills will be mentored and developed. This is a multi-stake engagement to development involving business, civil society and government mentors. Leadership is a key factor in any development facet. Young leaders will thus have a platform where their potential can be fully exploited. Working together will widen the scope of investment and therefore multiply production for all. Buy custom Annual Meeting in China essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Company Analysis-Ethics and Social Responsibility(AMAZON) Essay
Company Analysis-Ethics and Social Responsibility(AMAZON) - Essay Example’s ethical standard which is encapsulated in their vision as a company meant doing their job right that in doing their job right, this would be their greatest contribution to the good of society as they lower their prices, expand selection and other initiatives in the future. They also give to the communities where their employees live and their donations are spread throughout nonprofit organization across the United States. They also engage in volunteer works and give grants to the writing community (Amazon b, 2013). This standard of Amazon’s ethical standard is practiced in a way that was elaborated further by its CEO stating that this approach of â€Å"offering customers the lowest prices on virtually any product they wanted and providing a quality customer experience†is the only strategy that will provide long term value for’s customers and shareholders (G.A., 1999)’s ethical standard to be a customer-centric company also extends to their environmental friendly operations. Most of their orders are shipped in â€Å"corrugated containers which on average contain 43% recovered fiber content. Once used, these containers are 100% recyclable for use in the manufacture of other paper products†(Amazon c, 2013). Large products such as television sets, and other appliance and household items are shipped using paper as packing materials that are 100% recyclable whose content is already 50% recycled (Amazon c, 2013). One of the concrete examples of Amazon’s ethical standard being aligned with their business strategy as a company is best illustrated by its new product Kindle. In an interview with its CEO Jeff Bezo, he stressed that as a company, they do not want to make money out of their hardwares that would make their price prohibitive. This is also consistent with their ethical standard of offering the most cost effective service to their customer with an
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Looking exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Looking exercise - Essay Example In gatherings where the people went out to make merry, people would always remember him and wish that he was there as he was a perfect host for such events. In his conversations with the visitors that came to see him in his deathbed, he seems to be a man who has resigned to his fate. He also seems to expect that the worst would eventually come to him for the wrong that he had done. However, the people around him including his parents do not have an idea as to why he is ailing as the doctors cannot seem to find out what he is suffering from. To a large extent, kashiwagi was a leader who was hailed for all the good that he had done. Even his brothers regarded him as more of a father than a brother. His mother on the other hand is very fixated with her son to the point that she feels she would not have anything more to live for once he is gone. His wife, although aggrieved by the betrayal she suffered under him is at first reluctant to communicate with him but later softens her stand and writes him back. The saga that has led to the rift between Kashiwagi and his wife is only known by a small number of people. The rest of the society thinks that Kashiwagi was bewitched by a woman that he had been involved with but none can attest to that. Here, the gods seemed resigned to punishing Kashiwagi for the wrongs that he had committed and the price he paid was his life. By sleeping with another man’s wife, his sister in law, did he deserve death? Was this betrayal deserving of death? Certainly, it seems that Kashiwagi bore the blunt for his actions. His partner by whom he sires a son suffers a brief bout but nothing too serious to cost her life. Only she and her husband seem to be aware that the child was Kashiwagi’s. Her husband even prayed that the baby born be a girl instead of a boy so that the resemblance to Kashiwagi is masked. The hypothesis here is that mistakes done out of vanity
Monday, November 18, 2019
Effects on Businesses as it relates to employee's smoking habits Research Paper
Effects on Businesses as it relates to employee's smoking habits - Research Paper Example This has created a concern for the human resource department. The premiums of the health insurance are seen to rise and now the companies are looking towards shifting this cost towards the employees. Some of the organizations are charging surcharges, while some others have decided not to recruit smoker at the first. This has created hue and cry among the experts and they demand stricter action from the side of the government. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Affect of smoking 4 Discussion 6 Results 9 Recommendations 13 Reference 14 Introduction In recent times the smoking habit of the employees has become a major concern for the employers of United States. It has been seen that when the employees make a positive move towards the lifestyle by leaving their smoking habit both the society and employers benefits at large. Though there is clear evidence of harmful effect of cigarette smoking on the health of the employees; yet there is much debate regarding the matter. Research has also e stablished that there is a reciprocal relationship between smoking and financial stress and social disadvantage. Several researches have also highlighted on the link between various form of social deprivation and high smoking rates (Stobbe, 2013). Rising number of research also focuses on the relationship that intensification and reinforcement of material hardship and financial stress is caused by smoking. ... Affect of smoking Health Hazards The use of tobacco is not only a chief cause of death from non-communicable diseases such as respiratory disease, cancer and heart disease but also from communicable diseases like tuberculosis, which exaggerates and activates the use of tobacco. The use of tobacco causes 600,000 deaths all over the globe and reduces the life expectancy of an individual by 20 to 25 years. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) smoking causes a rise in the risk of infertility, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive lung diseases, lung cancer, stroke and coronary heart disease. Smoking affects almost every organ in the human body (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). This association can be adjusted through environmental and other exposures and the effect can be moderated via early detection and screening. However the affect of smoking generally increase with age and the burden of chronic and no n-communicable diseases increases (African Union, n.d.). Cost for Employers In 2000 smoking was one of the primary factors that caused death. Apart from mortality the economic burden caused by death is also of significant amount. As per the estimation of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every year the cost of estimation increases by $167 billion in United States. This estimation includes both $92 billion, the cost of loss of productivity resulting from the loss of productive life on the event of premature death and $75 billion resulting from the indirect healthcare cost (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.; NBC News, 2005). There are some addition costs that are bear by the employer of the smokers like effect of second hand
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Factors in the Ethical Codes in Research
Factors in the Ethical Codes in Research Second Draft of Training Materials Tiffany Stewart The Ethical Principles are part of the Ethics Code that psychologists follow when practicing. One area of psychology that will be discussed throughout this paper is counseling. The ethical principles will be defined as well as an example of an ethical dilemma that goes against each principle in counseling.There are five ethical principles that need to be followed when practicing professional psychology. These five ethical principles are beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect for people’s rights and dignity. Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Beneficence and nonmaleficence can be described as doing good and avoiding harm (Fisher, 2013). Doing good in counseling can be providing services to clients/patients that will benefit them. These services can be treatments that will help the individual with a disorder or deal with problems that occur in their life. Avoiding harm to clients/patients in counseling can be making sure the individuals are being diagnosed accurately, and providing treatment that will benefit them for years to come. Principle A Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma that would go against beneficence and nonmaleficence is a treatment program that will not provide positive side effects. The program might help the client/patient in the beginning but end up with negative side effects. An example of this is a client/patient is diagnosed with depression. The psychologist thinks it would be a good idea for the individual to talk to their doctor about getting on an antidepressant. The antidepressant is helping the individual to not be as depressed, but her sex drive drops. Now the client is feeling depressed again because, she does not have that particular bond with her spouse anymore. Another ethical dilemma is a client (Anna) that was seeing a counselor (Dr. Smith) for depression emails her two years later. Anna states that her partner has been going through depression and is having issues with other counselors. Since Anna could trust Dr. Smith, she thinks it would be a good idea for her partner to see this counselor. Dr. Smith is not certain if she should see her partner since Anna used to be a client (Fisher, 2013, p.358). Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility The second principle fidelity and responsibility is defined as being loyal and making sure psychologists are keeping promises to their clients/patients (Brown Newman, 1992). This means that psychologists need to build a trust with their clients or their coworkers and keep trust by being professional. Principle B Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma that goes against fidelity and responsibility is a psychologist not being confidential with client/patient’s information. An example of this is telling coworkers personal information about the client. Unless the client is harming themselves or another, the information being told to the psychologist needs to be confidential between the two. The trust is also broken between the psychologist and the client when information is told to others that can lead to major consequences like being sued or the psychologist losing their license. A second ethical dilemma that goes against Principle B would be a drug abuse counselor shares information with her colleagues about her son’s drinking problem in college. She asks them for advice on occasion on what she should do about the problem (Fisher, 2013, p. 106). Principle C: Integrity The third ethical principle, integrity, helps psychologist to be honest, accurate and truthful in practicing psychology (Bodner, 2012). This can focus on a psychologist’s work in not cheating or stealing other people’s work and making it theirs. Psychologists also need to be aware of deception can be used in experiments. When deception is included in experiments, the researchers need to make sure that harm is avoided. Principle C Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma that goes against integrity in counseling is a psychologist gives out information that is not accurate. This could be changing the title of their job on their business card or on their website even though that is not what they got their degree in. This gives false information to individuals that are looking for a particular counselor. In addition to the first ethical dilemma under this principle is a psychologist finds out his patient does not have insurance but her daughter does. He decides to help her out and bill the insurance company under the daughter’s policy (Fisher, 2013, p. 193). Principle D: Justice The fourth principle, justice, is to treat people fair and equal. This involves using the appropriate treatments that fit the needs of clients/patients (Fisher, 2013). Psychologists also need to remember that they cannot be biased when it comes to treating patients. Principle D Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma that goes against justice could be that psychologist decides to provide a shorter treatment for a single mother that does not make a lot of money. The psychologist has never done this before but knows the mother cannot afford the cost of the normal treatment time. The second ethical dilemma that goes against Principle D is a school psychologist considered certain factors, including age and language to help determine where to place children in educational recommendations (Fisher, 2013, p. 92). Principle E: Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity The fifth principle, respect for people’s rights and dignity, remind psychologists to give respect to the people that they work with as well as knowing that the people that they work with have rights (Lowman, 2005). These rights involve knowing their personal information is confidential and being informed of information to help them understand what is going on in the experiments they are involved in. Principle E Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma that can bring problems with the fifth principle is if a psychologist has problems with a homosexual client/patient. The psychologist decides to work with a client that is homosexual. After a few sessions, the client states that he is starting to have feelings for the psychologists. The clinical psychologist no longer felt he could help the client and decides to send him to another psychologist without explanation (Lowman, 2005). Another ethical dilemma would be a counselor informing the parents that their child has attention deficient disorder on the first session. The psychologist would base this information by just observing the child instead of appropriately diagnosing the child (Fisher, 2013, p.268). These five ethical principles are defined to explain why counselors should follow them when practicing psychology. Two ethical dilemmas were provided for each principle to show what can happen when they are not being followed. It is important that counselors become familiar with the terms to avoid any possible consequences that can occur. References Bodner, K. E. (2012). Ethical Principles and Standards That Inform Educational Gatekeeping Practices in Psychology. Ethics Behavior, 22(1), 60-74. doi:10.1080/10508422.2012.638827 Brown, R. D., Newman, D. L. (1992). Ethical Principles and Evaluations Standards: Do They Match? Evolution Review, Vol. 16, No. 6, 650-663 Fisher, C. B. (2013). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Lowman, R. L. (2005). Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity. Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment Trauma, 11(1/2), 71-77. doi:10.1300/J146v11n0106
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Jane Eyre?s Self-Discovery :: essays research papers
The novel Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte consists of continuous journey through Jane’s life towards her final happiness and freedom. Jane’s physical journeys contribute significantly to plot development and to the idea that the novel is a journey through Jane’s life. Each journey causes her to experience new emotions and an eventual change of some kind. These actual journeys help Jane on her four figurative journeys, as each one allows her to reflect and grow. Jane makes her journey from Gateshead to Lowood at the age of ten, finally freeing her from her restrictive life with her aunt, who hates her. Jane resented her harsh treatment by her aunt. Mrs. Reed’s attitude towards Jane highlights on of the main themes of the novel, the social class. Jane’s aunt sees Jane as inferior, who is less than a servant. Jane is glad to be leaving her cruel aunt and of having the chance of going to school. At Lowood she wins the friendship of everyone there, but her life is difficult because conditions are poor at the school. She has come to be respected by the teachers and students, largely due to the influence of her teacher, Miss Temple, who has taken a part as a mother, governess, and a companion. Jane has found in Miss temple what Mrs. Reed always denied her. Also at Lowood Jane confront another main theme of the novel, the natural violence, which is depicted by Bronte then typhus kills many of the students including Jane’s best friend, Helen Burns. This scene is especially important, because it makes Jane stronger, which is appropriate, as mentally strong people cope with violence in a more rational way. As Jane grows up and passes the age of eighteen, she advertises herself as a governess and is hired to a place called Thornfield. Although journeying into the completely unknown, Jane does not look back, only forward to her new life and her freedom at Thornfield. This particular journey marks a huge change in Jane’s life; it’s a fresh start for her. Another important journey Jane makes is from Gateshead back to Thornfield having visited her aunt Reed on her deathbed. By then Jane realizes that she loves Rochester. A key theme is raised here, Jane fierce desire to love and to be loved. She feels alone and isolated when she has no friends around her. This is a sharp contrast compared to other characters’ search for money and social position.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Macroeconomics Problem Set 1 Essay
To derive the PS approximation, data on GDP, Consumption, and Government expenditures was obtained from the website as detailed in the homework. Then using excel I was able to recreate the formula given with the actual data to get the approximation numbers. B. The true measure of PS was obtained much the same way as the approximation, only this time I used data for Private Sector Savings and Private Disposable Income pulled from the database instead of Y, C, and G. C. Attached. Overall it’s not a terrible approximation. There appears to be a rough five billion dollar inflation in the approximation from the true value, but over the course of time the trends remain similar. Every now and then you will see a significant dip in the approximation at the same time the true value significantly spikes, but aside from that they behave much the same, with a seemingly uniform $5 bil over-approximation across the years. E. For these two measures to be the same, there can be no government, and no international trading. The reason for no government is that taxes must be zero to allow for Y to stand alone in both denominators; also there must be no government deficit so as to allow for no interest payments. With no taxes and no deficit, it follows that there can be no government spending whatsoever (this takes care of removing transfer and interest payments from the first equation as well). As for having a closed economy with no imports/exports, this is because the Net Factor Payments have to equal zero to allow for these equations to equal each other.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom The Effect of Peer Pressure essay
buy custom The Effect of Peer Pressure essay Peer pressure has been, for a long time, a concern in our societal values and moral systems in various communities. It is something that has always been there and will always be present. Peer pressure is normally a decision or an action that an individual chooses to do something either because someone else is doing it or is being done by a friend. It is an influence, which is either a negative influence or a positive influence. This can be as a result of a feeling of not being included in the group or fear of doing the act they see other people or a group doing. Peer pressure has been, for a long time, a powerful mental force influencing every one, but has more strongly been seen amongst people in their teenage years. Depending on the kind of the pressure exerted by peers and what they are being pressured to do, it can result to be both good and bad effects. According to Horn and Keough in their book, they have made a statement, that peers have become more increasingly during the teenage years (Horn Keough 42) This has made an impact on their self esteem as teenage as they want to reach a degree where they feel accepted by the peer group as conformity is the price to be paid to be accepted by the group Among the teens, peer pressure has developed to have more of the negative effects in their lifes that a positive effect. It affects the way they speak, walk, act, dress and even their attitudes of who they hang out with as friends, and what they do. Although effects of peer pressure is often negative, but along with those negative effects, are also the positive effects. Peers influence, can make someone do only the smallest thing, and yet still be a large influence with a greater impact in their lives. There is the negative effect of peer pressure. This is mostly as a result of negative peer pressure, which is an influence to do something wrong which can be either stealing or drugs. One of the most popular negative effects of peer pressure mostly among the teenagers is the tendency use of drugs and alcohol substances at a younger stage if they are around others who choose to (Golden, Peterson, and Haley 169). According to a survey done in 2001 by the pew foundation in America, 82% of Americans accorded peer pressure to be a major factor in deterining whether a teen is using drugs or will use drugs in there latter years (Richard 25). In America, the use of marijuana has tremendously increased in the past five years. This is according to another study done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which showed that teens with friends who are addicted to the use of marijuana are 40 times most likely to use the drug than teens that have friends who are not using the drugs. This has shown that this pressure to have drugs affects the child physically, mentally and socially which can be a short term or a long-term effect. The short-term effects of use of drugs are trouble breathing, drowsiness, black outs and trouble thinking (Danielle 263). Upon a continuous use of drugs, a long-term effect is felt in that they end up being addicted in the long run and insisting that everyone is doing it" and that "it's cool to do so" one gives into this horrible disease like liver problems and heart problems. In addition, more often than not, a person can become addicted and become dependent on this substance to the extent that someone will never do without it. Another negative effect of peer pressure is the act of having a low self-esteem in whatever work a person is undertaking. In a situation where a persons peer mocks him or her, or make him or her feel bad about an action, the person will forever remain insecure until an action is taken to make the person have confidence and appreciate himself. For instance among women, in a situation where friends makes a statement about one of them on how badly she looks when she puts on a certain dress, the person will find herself not in a position to come out well at the moment where she puts on the dress. They start feeling down and rejected with a feeling of worthlessness in their presence. In addition, somebody who has ever experienced this at one time, or another in life knows that this is one of, if not so the, worst feeling a person can possess during his or her lifetime. In the midst of all this negative effects, there is depression or obsession where a person is subjected to a constant betrayal on how to act and look like. It becomes a serious depression that a person feels that life is not worth living, and thinks about or attempt committting suicide. Teens in most circumstances are bound to conform to the people around them very quickly and easily. For example if a friend decides to skip school, there are more chances for the teen to also skip the school. However, the teen may think it is his or her decision, but in fact, it is the friend pressuring simply by implanting the thought into his or her mind and take action. On the other hand, peer pressure has some positive effect on a person. Positive effects of peer pressure come about when people feel pressured into doing something mainly for the betterment of their lifespan. Example of a positive impact of peer pressure is joining sport or extracurricular activities, and having team works in things like manual work or even business activities. Considering the fact that every person has different personalities, peer pressure can facilitate learning and understanding of how people live, share experience together and even enhance development of strong bonds. Though positive peer pressure is not limited to the act of setting good examples of what to do, it sometimes gives an example of what not to do. A teens friend who is not involve in drugs or alcohol taking will positively influenced to follow the example of the friends. A good peer group can create an impact in ones life by playing a vital role in shaping the personality of an individual. The way they view life can bring changes to ones life for the betterment. Most of the peers are normally close friends who at most instances do not pressurize someone to doing things but rather give an inspiration for someone to have a change in life. They may even go to the extent of persuading someone to bring about a constructive change in ones personality. Another effect of positive peer pressure has been seen among businesspersons whereby as they come together they think of an activity to benefit each one of them in terms of business wise. Most of the enduring businesses in the current world of business have been developed from peer pressure amongst the business people. Considering all this negative and positive effects of peer pressure among various categories of individuals in the society, one thing, which is outstanding, is the fact that every individual has a will and a choice to make. Buy custom The Effect of Peer Pressure essay
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Why The Book Is Always Better Than The Movie
Why The Book Is Always Better Than The Movie If youre anything like me, I cant help myself when a movie is announced for a book (or book series) that Ive read. I just have to go see it. Like I said, I cant help myself. Of course, the other thing that you and I may have in common is our reaction when we come out of the theater. No matter how well done the movies been, theres a level of disappointment. And we find ourselves saying, the book was better. Its All About Our Brains To understand this dynamic, its important to know that over 50% of your brain is wired for visuals. In fact, of all the stimuli that your brain processes, it consumes visual information 60,000 times faster than anything other. Given these realities, you might assume the movie should always be better than a book. They rarely have pictures in them, after all. But heres the thing. When we read a book, if its written well, the words cause our brains to create visuals. The story materializes in our heads as images. Images that are powerful and detailed. Again, if its written well. And that explains why the book is always better than the movie. Because our own brains create far more detailed and rich visuals than even Spielberg can do. Over 50% of your brain is visual. It consumes visual information 60,000 times faster than anything other. How Does This Impact The Content Youre Writing? The takeaway for me comes down to three realities. First, use stories to share information. Its easier to imagine a story than a fact. That doesnt mean you cant share fact. It just means you should wrap your facts in stories so that people can better envision them. Stories take people places in their minds, and thats good for you. Your content has a longer shelf-life if it finds a home. Wrap your facts in stories so people can envision them better. @ChrisLemaSecond, share information in its context. When I write about pricing, I rarely spend time on the research side of things. Or equations. Its either too complicated or too boring. Its hard to envision. Instead, I place the new findings in context. In the recent eBook I wrote on pricing for products, I took people to the movie theater, the shoe store, and more. The lessons had to do with pricing. The facts were pricing-related. But the context is what helps people remember the lessons. They can imagine themselves looking at four pairs of shoes and having to decide which to buy. Share information in context so people remember better. @ChrisLemaLastly, keep the takeaways short and tight. I recently gave a talk on pricing services where my takeaways were in the form of tweets. To keep the observation to less than 140 characters took some discipline. But it was worth it. Heres why. Youve read a great book before, right? And what do you do? You tell other people about it. Its how you talk about whether youre going to go see it at the movies, when it comes out. And what do you share? Likely, its the title of the book. Maybe the author. But notice that these are short things to remember. Thats what makes them useful. Try telling someone about a book whose name you cant remember, as you start sharing the plot. This is often how people write posts. The takeaways arent super clear and its almost like you had to be there. So instead, keep your takeaways tight, short, and easy to remember. It will make them easy to share.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Visual Communication in Advertising and How It Meets Form Follow Essay
Visual Communication in Advertising and How It Meets Form Follow Function Criterion - Essay Example Although there are many functions that can be applicable to various forms, this paper will be geared towards messages conveyed by still graphic designs in signs and advertisements. Why The Interest on Form and Function in Graphic Design and Visual Communication? The reason behind choosing advertising was based on the fact that the advertising sector can be viewed as the most competitive area where an object of design has to capture audience’s attention and inform effectively in the shortest possible time through correct application of elements of visual communication. I believe that role of visual communication is vital in modern advertising culture where people are bombarded with visual information through various media channels. It is possible that at this stage the balance between ‘form follows function’ becomes shifted more towards emphasis on ‘form’ as a factor that will secure audience’s attention and response. This may lead to exaggerate d and imaginative design efforts aimed at describing an item with simple straightforward function. This overemphasis can be observed in many modern TV commercials where the entire story line and acting and special effects can be deployed to promote something as trivial as new variety of a morning cereal. However, the question now is if such efforts towards the production of form serve the function of selling the product. Review of Literature Graphic design is defined as â€Å"the ‘art’ of communication – to inform, educate, influence, persuade, and provide a visual experience†(Resnick, 2003, p. 15). Lawrie (2008) claims that the visual communication of ideas or concepts is the primary function of graphic design while evoking feelings, either emotional or kinaesthetic ones, are considered its secondary function. Graphic designers intend their designs to effectively carry out its meaning and that its target audience clearly understand it. For this to be effe ctive, the designer should know how his target audience ascribes meaning to the design, so he is required to adopt to their perceptual views and share their experiences (Lawrie, 2008). A simple example would be the separate icons for toilets for men and women. The most basic icon of a woman with a flared skirt posted at the door of a toilet can be easily identified by anyone so women know it is the toilet for them and men will not enter that door because it is clearly not for them. This basic example shows the effectiveness of the relationship between form (simple icon for gender) and function (to identify which toilet is for women and which one is for men). However, going a step beyond the basic design such as putting in more feminine details for the female icon and masculine details for the male icon may trigger a stronger emotional or kinaesthetic response. An example would be giving the effect of feeling like royalty when they enter the toilet with the icon of either a king or a queen at the door. These two kinds of icons have different forms, and the function of identifying which toilet to use is the same, however, the second example may evoke a more personal meaning and experience. The previous examples illustrate Hollein’
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Breast Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Breast Cancer - Essay Example little more than 2.47 million women who had experienced having breast cancer, women should be informed the proper way of conducting a self-breast examination as a way of increasing their chances of survival. For this study, the student nurse will discuss the importance of breast cancer screening followed by explaining the proper way to screen breast cancer and the step-by-step physical assessment to enable women detect early signs of breast cancer. Healthy women should undergo the most common screening test like mammogram at least once a year in order to detect signs of breast cancer at an early stage. (Breast Cancer, 2009a) Early detection of breast cancer is important since women can have higher chances of survival. This is because of the fact that early stage cancer is easier to treat as compared to late stage breast cancer. (Breast Cancer, 2008g) Aside from the use of mammogram test, other ways to screen signs of early stage breast cancer is through the use of other imaging test like the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Breast Cancer, 2008c). The blood marker tests can also be considered when screening a patient. In case cancer protein or blood markers like CA 15.3, TRU-QUANT, CA 27.29, CA125, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is present in the blood (Breast Cancer, 2008a), there is a strong possibility that the patient has a breast cancer. Because of the limitations of mammogram when screening for breast cancer, the use of digital tomosynthesis is now being considered as the best alternative for mammograms (Breast Cancer, 2008d). Although a lot of physicians believe that the use of mammography is the best method for detecting breast cancer, the Mayo Clinic 2008 study result suggest that the use of molecular breast imaging (MBI) is better than mammography in terms of detecting tumors in the breast (Breast Cancer, 2008f). Also highly recommended for women who have high risk of developing breast cancer, a new technique known as the ductal lavage can be
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analogue-digital and Digital-analogue conversion Essay
Analogue-digital and Digital-analogue conversion - Essay Example music record (Dallet and Silva, 2005). Analogue signals are usually continuous and variable in nature are they can be represented by a variable wave. On the other hand, digital signals are multi-level in the sense that it only varies after some predetermined time hence it is easier to predict its future processes. The essence of analogue to digital is to convert the data contained in an analogue signals into a more presentable form without altering the initial content (Pelgrom, 2013). There are numerous methods that are in use when it comes to analogue to digital conversion the type of techniques that is chosen depends on the requirements of the user. For instance, is the user wants a quick conversion technique then he/she will opt for a faster ADC, alternatively if he/she wants an accurate conversion process then he will indeed opt for an accurate ADC. However, in all case the same principle is utilised to conduct the conversion process. The sequence of bits in a typical digital representation infers a number that whereby each bit has twice the weight of the next bit in the sequence, for instance; bn-1, bn-2†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦b0 (Shoop, 2001). There are different procedures for A/D transformation, including flash, half blaze, integrator, delta sigma or modulator, progressively rough guess, and voltage-to-recurrence. A flash ADC applies the info in parallel to numerous quick comparators whose edges are just as dispersed all through the sought data voltage range, ordinarily 1V. At any minute, all the comparators that have edges underneath the info voltage are on, and the rest are off. Half-streak simple to advanced converters focus their yield code by digitally joining the aftereffects of two successively performed lower-determination streak changes. An integrator is an ADC whose return system speaks to the standard estimation of the voltage information more than a given time
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
School Life Essay Example for Free
School Life Essay Then BOOM my alarm clock goes off to wake my brother and I up to get ready for school, but this was all put to the side by our mother coming in to the room telling us that she would have to work a few extra hours. Wake your but up! Is what I yelled to my brother as I had always did he consistently showed himself to be the lazy one who would just breeze through life without a care in the world. He replied back with the bad morning breath, â€Å"Leave, me, alone its only 6:30 school doesn’t start until 7:30. Me as usual I got up pulled him out of bed until he hit the floor then started my routine to get ready for the day’s events. Oh yeah my name is Gerard by the way. I carried myself across the dimly lit hall towards the bathroom. As I flicked on the light switch, I first noticed this hair pick still stuck in the side of my head. I immediately grabbed it and started to fix my hair. As I stand in front of the mirror looking back at my own reflection, wondering why, does school start this early in the morning, I grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste and began to a make it happen. My brother’s name is Joel, and he could care less of his appearance, because he always thought that he was God’s gift to the ladies. Most of his attire consisted of whatever he felt like grabbing out of the closet or the first thing he could get his hands on. He didn’t care if he was all wrinkled, his excuse was that they’ll be gone throughout the day plus now one would notice them anyway because that’s how he rolled. You would have thought that he just came from summer camp playing rugby with a few of his friends before school started. As he came into the bathroom besides me to wash up and get ready, I could always here him saying thanks for getting me up too, knowing that being the older sibling I couldn’t just let him be late for school besides our mother would have killed me. As I look at the clock I notice that we are right on schedule, its 7:00 and time to wake my sister Latoya, she’s in middle school and does not experience the rush that my brother and I go thru being that the two of us share a room and sometimes wrestle to get around to what we need to be done. The time is now 7:10, and it’s time for us to leave the house headed for school since we live only a quarter of a mile away from the school we can pretty much toss a couple of rocks a few times and we’re there. The only downside is that sometimes we get too complacent living so close to the school that we end up thinking there’s more time and end up cutting it close to getting to class on time or worse being late and end up with detention. As we get to school they are still selling breakfast its usually something simple like garlic cheesy bread or the cinnamon sugar rolls that are so delicious. But we cannot stand in line and enjoy them today because the first school bell rings and that signifies things need to get closed out and you need to put your thinking caps on. As we exited the cafeteria it was 7:25 and the start of the school day and the final bell rings at 1:50. Joel and I always knew that we would see each other at our lunch period odd as it seems I was a senior and he was a sophomore, but hey, that’s how the schedules came out. We couldn’t control the outcomes of what we wanted to do we could always find some sort of time to throw a wise crack at one another.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Sustainable design
Sustainable design Introduction Sustainable design is the philosophy of designing physical and conceptual objects, the built environment and services to fulfil the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. Sustainable designs are more commonly seen nowadays because of the rise in environmental issues like greenhouse effect and global warming. With reference to a survey done by Autodesk Inc, the results indicate that mechanical engineers expect to see an increase in sustainable design work in 2010. â€Å"According to survey results, designs that use less energy or reduce emissions remain the most important sustainable technology practice, while manufacturing processes that use less energy and natural resources were also a priority.†There are several factors to consider when creating a sustainable design. They are ecological sustainability, built environment, economic sustainability and social responsibility. Ecological sustainability deals with issues regarding the natural Ecological Sustainability environmentally-friendly designs Built Environment man-made design, indoor and outdoor design Economic Sustainability marketability of the design Social Sustainability -cohesion, place and people Social Responsibility Ethics is fundamentally a practical matter. It is concerned with how we should live, how we should treat other people and the world around us. It is how we should act in a moral and responsible manner. Sustainable designs are strongly encouraged because it is beneficial to our environment. It is each and every one of our duties and responsibilities to protect and take care of our environment. Achieving Sustainable Design Sustainable designs are achieved through sensitive designs, for example, energy efficiency. Sensitive designs include good contextual studies of the surroundings, factors like site location, weather and local culture. The choice of material for the design is also an important factor as well. It is encouraged that renewable resources are used for building materials as it is environmentally-friendly. An example of a sustainable design is the EDITT (Ecological Design in the Tropics) Tower (Figure 1) in Singapore. It adopts many climatic responsive techniques: â€Å"wind walls†to direct wind to internal spaces, solar panels, mechanically joined connections between building components to facilitate recycling, rainwater collection, sewage composting and grey-water reuse. The tower has well-planted facades and vegetated terraces which is approximately about 3800 sq meters, almost about half of the gross usable area of the building As seen from the layout plan , the greenery are planted at the edges of each level. The placement of the vegetation within the tower at different levels correspond to the microclimates of each individual sub-zone at the tower. Human Nature Relationship A good sustainable design should also relate people with the natural environment. Human and nature interaction are encouraged in architectural designs by creating openings to create views, allowing people to be in touch with the natural surroundings. Man activities that destroy the environment and consume energy are meaningless because they contribute little to our well beings and the quality of life. Recycled furniture is therefore becoming a very popular choice. Wood and glass are good examples of recycled material. However, recycled furniture could also mean to reuse old and unwanted items. Figure 4 shows a recycled chair made of compact discs. As information are conveniently stored into thumb drives and computers in modern days now, old and burned compact discs are not wanted anymore. Alternative suggestions to reuse the discs may include coasters, but the recycled chair in figure 4 is a good way to reuse loads of discs all at once. However, the comfortability of the chair is another issue. Figure 5 is a coffee table made of bicycle wheel. Bent and spoiled bicycle wheel may be useless to some but after some alterations, the faulty wheels could be turned into a useful piece of furniture. Cons of Sustainability The aim of sustainable design is to accommodate peoples current demands and needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to accomodate their own needs. Many of the current processes the modern world chooses to obtain and use our natural resources are short-sighted. Companies looking to make a profit right away can cause long term damage to the environment when they do activities for example, cutting down too many trees or produce pollutants. However, sustainable design would require huge amount of time, money and research to find out which methods of production would damage the environment the least. This is the major reason why people are hesitant to support sustainable development. Case Study The Marcus Beach House designed by BARK Design Architects in Australia has a coastal setting, providing the owner with a relationship with the landscape and sensitive surrounding environment. This site explores filtering natural breezes, lightness, layers of transparency and integrating between indoor and outdoor spaces within dynamic patterns of light and shadow, being a simple frame to enable a contemporary sustainable lifestyle. The Marcus Beach House Design uses open concept where there are a lot of flexible spaces available. Walls are made retractable to allow better air ventilation. As seen from figures 5 and 6, the blue arrows indicated the wind flow directions through windows and void spaces. Such architectural designs made use of available natural surrounding elements, for example the wind and the sunlight. Therefore, the energy consumption is greatly reduced. Conclusion Sustainability in designs is greatly beneficial to our environment and hence strongly encouraged. The factors to consider when creating a sustainable design are ecological sustainability, built environment, economic sustainability and social responsibility. Everyone is responsible for the natural environment that they are living in and hence should play a part in protecting our Earth. Sustainable designs can be created through sensitive designs with reference to the site context to achieve energy efficiency.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pales Paradigm and Lamarcks Paradigm Essay -- Philosophy, Scientific
According to Tomas Kuhn, â€Å"normal science means research firmly based upon one or more past scientific achievements, achievements that some particular scientific community acknowledges for a time as supplying the foundation for its further practice†(Pajares ). The achievements that Kuhn defines as paradigms help the scientific community develop a scientific method to resolve puzzles. Particular puzzles that paradigms fail to solve and eventually lead to paradigm shifts are called anomalies. Since Kuhn first introduces the relations of these three terms to philosophy of science in â€Å"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,†scientific communities have improved their understandings of science and society. By describing two different paradigms of Paley and Lamarck on organic change in the early nineteenth century, Kuhn’s paradigms can further demonstrate its efficient way to articulate scientific assumptions and understand the scientific change. In William Paley’s paradigm, the world is perfectly designed by a benevolent God who purposefully created everything and â€Å"superadded pleasure to animal sensations†(RP 47 ). Paley strongly believes the existence of a God who is wise and benevolent enough to create everything on earth with happiness and a purpose. For Paley, science is a tool to complement the greatness of religion and prove the importance of Design (RP 46). In order to support his paradigm, Paley illustrates the contrivance and work of God in nature with the methodological assumption of First Cause (the belief in the existence of God) and Final Cause (the belief that a God creates an object with a purpose). Additionally, the metaphysical assumption of a close, active God underlies the paradigm as a premise that influences e... ...d for centuries. On the other hand, Lamarck challenges this traditional thought and brings about a new theory that contains controversial ideas. With this provocative attitude, he demonstrates his intent to challenge the achievements for centuries and cause scientific change leading to paradigm shifts. Comparing Paley’s and Lamarck’s paradigms show how Kuhn’s paradigm can be used to compare and explain different paradigms. With the examples of observation, assumptions, and anomalies, two paradigms clearly demonstrate their ability to solve puzzles as well as their potential influence on understanding of society. The Kuhn’s paradigm model helps understand the changes in scientific perspectives and the course of European society. The use of this paradigm model can provide an opportunity to explain current scientific paradigms and assist in developing new paradigms. Pale's Paradigm and Lamarck's Paradigm Essay -- Philosophy, Scientific According to Tomas Kuhn, â€Å"normal science means research firmly based upon one or more past scientific achievements, achievements that some particular scientific community acknowledges for a time as supplying the foundation for its further practice†(Pajares ). The achievements that Kuhn defines as paradigms help the scientific community develop a scientific method to resolve puzzles. Particular puzzles that paradigms fail to solve and eventually lead to paradigm shifts are called anomalies. Since Kuhn first introduces the relations of these three terms to philosophy of science in â€Å"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,†scientific communities have improved their understandings of science and society. By describing two different paradigms of Paley and Lamarck on organic change in the early nineteenth century, Kuhn’s paradigms can further demonstrate its efficient way to articulate scientific assumptions and understand the scientific change. In William Paley’s paradigm, the world is perfectly designed by a benevolent God who purposefully created everything and â€Å"superadded pleasure to animal sensations†(RP 47 ). Paley strongly believes the existence of a God who is wise and benevolent enough to create everything on earth with happiness and a purpose. For Paley, science is a tool to complement the greatness of religion and prove the importance of Design (RP 46). In order to support his paradigm, Paley illustrates the contrivance and work of God in nature with the methodological assumption of First Cause (the belief in the existence of God) and Final Cause (the belief that a God creates an object with a purpose). Additionally, the metaphysical assumption of a close, active God underlies the paradigm as a premise that influences e... ...d for centuries. On the other hand, Lamarck challenges this traditional thought and brings about a new theory that contains controversial ideas. With this provocative attitude, he demonstrates his intent to challenge the achievements for centuries and cause scientific change leading to paradigm shifts. Comparing Paley’s and Lamarck’s paradigms show how Kuhn’s paradigm can be used to compare and explain different paradigms. With the examples of observation, assumptions, and anomalies, two paradigms clearly demonstrate their ability to solve puzzles as well as their potential influence on understanding of society. The Kuhn’s paradigm model helps understand the changes in scientific perspectives and the course of European society. The use of this paradigm model can provide an opportunity to explain current scientific paradigms and assist in developing new paradigms.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Biology 1202 Notes
Thursday January 17 Mastering biology course id=MBPOLLACK01639 Life first appeared on earth about 4 billion years ago Origin of life is a hypothesis not a theory Very little oxygen in early earths atmosphere Spontaneous generation of life- random formation of life Millions of species on earth, up to 100 million the expirement of miller and urey showed what? test question a few centuries ago: eople thought that new living things appeared all of the time(spontaneous generation of life) ex: mold growing on food in the mid 1800s Louis Pasteur refuted the theory of spontaneous generation of life he basically left something out but sealed it off and nothing grew on it, then he left it out without being sealed and stuff grew the cell theory- all existing cells come from pre-existing cells about 50 trillion cells make up the human body but all came from the single diploid cell formed from conception conditions on early earth: tmosphere- similar to Jupiter today, no free oxygen, frequent storms with lots of lightning, volcano eruptions, meteor impacts, UV light from the sun, no ozone layer earth before life arose: about 4. 6 billion years old, known because of radiometric dating of meteorites and moon rocks life arose about 3. 8 billion years ago, known because of chemical traces in the rocks, fossilized bacteria was found in rocks 3. 5 billion years ago no spontaneous generation now but must have happened then how to assemble a living thing: accumulation of organic molecules atalyze reactions reproduce from stored genetic info separate the living thing from the outside environment 3 domains of life- bacteria, archaea, eukarya proteins are needed to synthesize more DNA DNA is used to synthesize RNA which is used to make protein†¦DNA-RNA-Protein Ribozymes: RNA molecule that can catalyze reactions, especially those involved in synthesis and processing of RNA itself Conclusion- earliest cells used RNA to store info Ribozymes used to catalyze reactions Thursday January 24th Our species has been here for about 200,000 years PRINCIPLES OF EVOLUTIONTheory- general explanation of natural phenomen a, developed through extensive and reproducible observations Hypothesis- tentative explanation of observations, educated guess The origin of species was a book published in 1859 by Charles Darwin Main points of book: Evolution occurs in populations, not individuals Natural selection is the mechanism Observation 1-living things tend to reproduce as quickly as possible. Observation 2-constant population size over time (carrying capacity) Inference- competition for survival; differential reproductive success â€Å"I don’t like dogs.They all smell like dogs and poop on my lawn†variability in structures and behaviors all of this leads to natural selection, organisms best suited to an environment leave the most offspring evolution- the genetic makeup of a population changes over time, driven by natural selection evolution- a change in the allele frequency of a population over time study pakicetus slide 1/29/13 homologous structures suggest common ancestry some homologous st ructures look different today because of divergent evolution 300 million years ago is when we started to see the type of mammalian limbs similar to the structure today analogous tructures=convergent evolution analogous structure do NOT suggest common ancestry similar environmental forces select for similar structures in unrelated organisms vestigial structures- rudimentary form of and organ more fully formed in ancestor â€Å"evolutionary baggage†vestigial structures are a type of homologous structureWHAT IS DARWINS POINT ON EAR? ON TESTDevelopmental biology- the biology of studying organisms from the unicellular stage onward WATCH DARWIN VIDEO All living things have DNA and transcribe it into RNA using amino acids Artificial selection- insecticides, antibiotics etc. Know 3 types of natural selection 1. irectional selection 2. stabilizing selection 3. disruptive selection 1/31/13 evolution of populations GregorMendel- monk who did pea expirements and shed light on the rules of inheritance He worked at the same time as Darwin but his work was overlooked until the 20th century The modern synthesis(early 1940s) – a conceptual synthesis of Darwinian evolution, mendelian inheritance, and modern population genetics Evolution- a change in phenotypic constitution of a population owing to a situation on heritable variation among pheneotypes that changes the genotypic constitution of the population Phenotype- all expressed traits of an organismGenotype- the entire genetic makeup of an individual Evolution-a change in allele frequency in a population(change in the gene pool) Population genetics-examines the frequency, distribution, and inheritance of alleles within a population Hardy-weinberg equilibrium- the pop genetics theorem that states that the frequencies of alleles and enotypes in a population will remain constant unless acted upon by non-mendelian processes Allele frequencies- under strict mendelian inheritance, allele frequencies would remain con stant from on generation to the next(hardy-weinberg equilibrium) If there is no change in allele frequency there is no evolution Biological species concept- a population whose members can potentially interbreed in NATURE to produce viable reproductive offspring Reproductive barriers- isolate populations from one anotherSpeciation- the process by which new species form EXAM 1 Two requirement for speciation- reproductive isolation of populations(gene flow significantly reduced) and genetic divergence(divergent evolution) Tuesday feb 5 Convergent evolution- no common ancestor with that trait, similar environmental things caused the same evolution Divergent evolution- comes from common ancestors but over time the trait changes Proto means before External barriersSkin-physical barrier to microbial entry, inhospitable environment for growth; dry, dead cells at surface ; sweat/sebaceous glands secreting acids and natural antibiotics like lactic acid Mucuous mebranes of respiratory and dige stive tracts well-defined; secretions have antibacterial enzymes Cilia-line the inside of trachea; epithelial cells-smokers cough is from lack of cilia Stomach; if microbes are swallowed, acids(low pH) and protein-digesting enzymes destroy them Lines of defense:Nonspecififc internal defense: Phagocytosis cells: white blood cells in extracellular fluid, amoeboid shape,destroy microbes by phagocytosis-search out bacteria, viral particles, cellular debris-produced in bone marrow. Target stuff that is not in your cells **questions about lymphatic system on exam natural killer cells- white blood cells that destroy body cells infected by viruses and cancerous cells by punching hole in them inflammatory response- caused by large scale microbial invasion through a wound istamine released in response to damage which leads to an increased blood flow at and around the wound in order to wash out the wound. Which leads to inflammation other chemicals-> macrophages blood clotting fever= response to microbes establishing major infection. Low grade fever 100-102 can be beneficial slows down microbial reproduction enhances immune system immune response- reaction to specific type of microbe and provides future protection.Involves 2 types of WBC called lymphocytes-B cells and T cells B cells mature in bone marrow T cells are born in marrow but mature in thymus /26/13 humeral cells is same as B cells its called specific immune response because only the cell with the appropriate antibody responds 23,00 coding genes in our genome 3 types of amino acids- hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and ones that can make hydrosulfide bridges most proteins form well with other proteins an antibody is made of four different types of proteins so it takes 4 specific proteins for it to react? Immune system distinguishes self from non self by destroying cells that respond to the body’s own molecules Body randomly makes 100,000,000 different antibodies antigen can bind to 1 specific antibody epitope- the three different site where antibodies can bind on a single antigen allergies: type of immune response allergen-recognized as a foreign antigen and binds to B cell – coordinated by the humoral immunity response B cell makes plasma cells, releasing allergy antibodies into the bloodstreamAntibodies bind to histamine-containing cells in connective tissue Cells release histamine causing inflammatory response such as mucus 1. irst exposure to pollen stimulates B cells to produce allergy plasma cell 2. plasma cells produce allergy antibodies 3. allergy antibodies bind to mast cells 4. re-exposure to pollen results in pollen binding to allergy antibodies on mast cells 5. binding f pollen stimulates mast cells to release histamine, triggering the inflammatory response allergy medication antihistamines others inhibit production of histamine producing cells people without allergies lack genes for allergy-causing antibodies, or produce less of the antibody ormation of a pimple acne d evelops as a result of blockages In follicles formation of a plug or keratin and sebum(made of fat and the debris of dead fat-producing cells) the natural occurring bacteria propionibacterium acnes can cause inflammation the white blood cells build up(forming a whitehead) and then destroy (by phagocytosis) the bacteria to prevent infection chicken pox and shingles caused by same virus symptoms are very different after you have had the chicken pox, you become immune to the virus.It is impossible that you may have a slight reaction after re-exposure, such as a few spots and a slight fever. However, you will not get a full blown case of chicken pox more than once shingles: causing agent for herpes zoster is varicella zoster virus, a double stranded DNA virus most people are infected with this virus as children, and suffer from an episode of chickenpox the immune system eventually eliminates the virus from most locations, but it remains dormant in the ganglia adjacent to the spinal cord or the ganglion semilunare in the base of the skull
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Women Characters in The White Queen (Wars of the Roses)
Women Characters in The White Queen (Wars of the Roses) In June, 2013, BBC One debuted a 10-part series, The White Queen, a depiction of the Wars of the Roses seen through the eyes of key women, and based on a series of historical novels by Philippa Gregory. The White Queen refers to Elizabeth Woodville, and The White Queen is the title of Gregorys first book in the series that is being adapted. Dont expect it to be exactly history but Gregory has respect for history, and that will likely show through in the series as well, even though there will be lots of poetic license taken. The other books in the series are The Red Queen (about Margaret of Anjou), The Kingmakers Daughter (about Anne Neville),The Lady of the Rivers (about Jacquetta of Luxembourg), The White Princess (about Elizabeth of York) and The Kings Curse (about Margaret Pole.) The sequel BBC One series, The White Princess, debuted in 2017. You can also see this as something of a prequel to the popular series, The Tudors. Elizabeth Woodville was the grandmother of King Henry VIII, featured in that series. Here are some of the women youll likely encounter in the series, and some of their interconnections youll see why Gregory called the series on the Wars of the Roses The Cousins War many close relatives found themselves on opposite sides. Many of the key characters traced their ancestry to the sons of Edward III of England, or to other kings of England. The White Queen and Her Family Elizabeth Woodville (1437 - 1492), widow of Sir John Grey who was on the Lancastrian side in the Wars of the Roses, and who was killed in the battle at St. Albans. The legend of her meeting with Edward IV under an oak tree by the side of a road is a very early one. That they secretly married and thwarted the marriage plans for Edward being made by Edwards uncle, the Earl of Warwick (known as the Kingmaker), is historical. One of her sons by John Grey was an ancestor of Lady Jane Grey.Jacquetta of Luxembourg, mother of Elizabeth Woodville, was a descendant of Englands King John. Her father was a French count. Jacquettas first husband was the brother of Henry V. She had no children by that first marriage, but at least ten by her second to Richard Woodville. She was accused during her lifetime of using witchcraft.Elizabeth of York (1466 - 1503), eldest daughter of Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV, became the queen consort of Henry VII and mother of Henry VIII, Mary Tudor and Margaret T udor. Catherine or Katherine Woodville(~1458 - 1497), sister of Elizabeth Woodville, who married advantageously thanks to her connection to her sister the Queen. She became the Duchess of Buckingham and the Duchess of Bedford.Mary Woodville (~1456 - 1481), another sister of Elizabeth Woodville, was able to marry the heir to the Earl of Pembroke through her sisters connections. Her father-in-law was executed by Warwick, the Kingmaker.Cecily of York (1469 - 1507) was the second surviving daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. (An older sister, Mary of York, died in 1482, before she could be married.) Edward tried to marry her to the Scottish royal heir, then to that heirs brother, but Edward died before that could be complete. Then Cecilys marriages were arranged and unarranged by the next two kings, Richard III (her uncle) and Henry VII (her brother-in-law). The Kingmaker and His Family Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, (1428 - 1471) was a powerful figure in the drama of the Wars of the Roses. He used his female family connections to advantage, including gaining the Warwick title itself through his wifes inheritance. He was called the Kingmaker, as his presence and that of the troops he could muster would make a difference in which king won. Lady Anne Beauchamp (1426 - 1492), Countess of Warwick, wife of the Kingmaker, mother of Anne Neville and Isabella Neville. She was an heiress, inheriting the Warwick titles because no male heirs remained, and bringing them to her husband. She was descended on the maternal side from King Edward III and the powerful Despenser family.Cecily Neville (1415 - 1495), was the aunt of the Kingmaker. She was the mother of Edward IV as well as of George, Duke of Clarence, and Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was married to Richard, Duke of York, who was the heir of Henry VI and his protector during his minority and during one or more bouts of insanity. Both Cecily and her husband were descendants of King Edward III of England and his wife, Philippa of Hainault. Cecilys mother was a daughter of John of Gaunt and Katherine Swynford.Anne Neville (1456 - 1485), daughter of Richard, Duke of York, called the Kingmaker, who was a nephew of Cecily Neville. She first married Edward of York, son of Henry V I of England, but after his early death, married Richard, Duke of Gloucester, the future Richard III, brother of Edward IV (and son of Cecily Neville). Richard and Anne were first cousins once removed. Isabella Neville (1451 - 1476), sister of Anne Neville, and thus daughter of the Kingmaker and great niece of Cecily Neville. She was also known as Isabel. She married George, Duke of Clarence, a younger brother of Edward IV (and older brother of Richard III, Anne Nevilles second husband), and also a son of Cecily Neville. Isabella and George were first cousins once removed. From the House of Lancaster Margaret of Anjou (1429 - 1482), was the queen consort of the Lancastrian king, Henry VI of England, with whom Edward IV contended in the Wars of the Roses. Margaret of Anjou was herself an active Lancastrian leader. Elizabeth Woodville had been a maid of honor serving Margaret of Anjou when she married Sir John Grey.Margaret Beaufort (1443 - 1509) was the Red Queen to Elizabeth Woodvilles White Queen. She was married to Edmund Tudor when she was only 12, and gave birth to his child after he died in Yorkist captivity. That child later became Henry VII. Though she married twice more, she never had more children, and threw her support to her sons cause in the Wars of the Roses. More? These women arent likely to be in the series, except by reference, but are important to the context of the story. Catherine of Valois (1401 - 1437), sister-in-law of Jacquetta, was the queen consort of Henry V of England and mother of Lancaster king Henry VI. She was also the grandmother of Henry VII, the first Tudor king, via her second husband, Owen Tudor. This is the same Henry VII who married Elizabeth Woodvilles daughter, Elizabeth of York. Catherines father was Charles VI of France. She is not likely to make an appearance in The White Queen: she died the year that Elizabeth Woodville was born.Margaret of Burgundy, a sister of Edward IV who was friendly with Edwards new wife Elizabeth Woodville. Margaret was married off to the Duke of Burgundy a few years after Edward became king, and after the Tudor triumph, her home became a haven for Yorkists in exile.Lady Jane Grey was descended from one of Elizabeth Woodvilles sons by her first husband, John Grey, and from one of Elizabeth Woodvilles daughters, Elizabeth of York, by her second husband Edward IV, through Elizabeth of Yorks and Henry VII s daughter Mary Tudor. Margaret Pole (1473 - 1541) was the daughter of Isabella Neville and George, Duke of Clarence. She was a peeress in her own right, and eventually earned the enmity of Tudor King Henry VIII. The Roman Catholic Church beatified her as a martyr in 1886.Elizabeth Tilney (1447 - 1497) was a lady-in-waiting to Elizabeth Woodville. Whether shell appear in the series I doubt, but it would be a subtle foreshadowing of the Tudor era: she was grandmother to both Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, second and fifth wives of Henry VIII. One way women often got entangled into the Wars of the Roses: illegitimacy controversies. Learn more about some of those: Birther Controversies and the Wars of the Roses Many of these same women were portrayed in Shakespeares Richard III as well.
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